~What Goes Aroud Comes Around~ (Mikey x Reader x Leo)

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(Two Requests in one)

You happily skipped to the lair. You were ecstatic to see Leo today. You were to confess your love to him and maybe he'd accept you. You ran in and saw Leo cuddling on the couch with a girl all too familiar. "Hi Karai", you said. Karai waved. Leo smiled at you. "Whatchya doin?" Leo asked. "I just was going to see if you guys need groceries", you said. Leo nodded.

You made it to the kitchen and hid behind the island. You buried your head into your hands. Mikey walked in and crouched down next to you. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I'm just so confused. And blue about Leo and Karai. I just thought that he'd accept me an not reject me like last time", you said. Mikey hugged you as you cried into his shoulder. "It's ok. Can I tell you something? I really like you. But I wanted you to be happy", Mikey said. He kissed your cheek and you smiled. "I love you too Mikey", you said and hugged him again.

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