~I Love You For You~(Leo x Male!Reader)

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You were upset today. Sitting in your room crying. Everyone knew now. Thanks to one of your ex-best friends. He blabbed to the whole world about how you were Gay. Was that a bad thing? Was it your fault? These questions were flowing around in your head, wanting someone to answer them. Sure, you were gay, but was that a problem? For a guy like you to like another guy? Well, this turtle's name was Leo. You loved Leo. You knew he would only date girls, however, but you hated the fact that the one you love couldn't be with you.

You heard a tap on your window and opened the curtains. Leo sat on your fire escape. He gave a small smile and a waved. You closed the curtains and turned away. He opened the window and stepped in. "What's going on
(y/n)? You usually visit the lair every day. You haven't been there and we've all been worried!! E-especially me", he said, looking away from you with tinted cheeks.

"Leo, I just need to be alone. I don't deserve to be friends with anyone. I'm not even friends with myself", you said. He turned and looked at you again. "What ha-" "Leo, how could you not see?! I love you god damnit!! I have for a really long time now!! No one will even look at me because I'm gay. Hell, I may as well die!! If the world don't accept me, then who will?" You yelled.

Both of you fell silent. "Is it bad to be gay? Is it my fault? Why can't I be normal?! Why-" you were crying by now. Leo pulled you close to him and hugged you tightly. "It's not your fault. Your not alone. I love you too", he said. You looked up at Leo and he smiled down at you and wiped the tears off your face. He then leaned in, and kissed you, something you've wanted for a long time now.

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