~Don't Look At Me~(Leonardo x Reader x Raphael)

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Leo was dating you for a while. You loved him and today was Valentines Day. You happily skipped to the lair. You ran into the lair. You heard some noises coming from Leo's room. You knocked on the door and heard down thing break inside. "Leo? Are you ok?" You asked. You tried opening the door but it was locked. You put your ear on the door.

"We can't let her see me."

"I know Karai, but I love you. Can't I tell her?"

"No because if she finds out about anything, she'll never forgive me or you."

You felt tears brim your eyes. You let them slide and started to run. The door unlocked and you ran into someone. Raph pushed you behind him and faced Leo, who had just gotten out of his room. "Why are you cheating on her?" Raph asked, anger in his voice. "I am no-" "Liar!! How could you cheat on the best thing that's happened to you?!" Raph yelled.

"What's the problem?" Karai asked as she stepped out. She had a towel wrapped around her. You wiped a tear away and turned around, walking out. "(Y/n) wait!!" Raph and Leo yelled. "No!!" You yelled back.

Raph search around the city until he found you on the pier. "Look, I really don't want to talk", you said. You looked at Raph and felt tears escape again. "Come here", Raph said and engulfed you in a big hug. You cried into his plastron, tears rapidly flying down from your cheeks to your lap or his plastron.

He pulled away and you sniffles as he wiped your tears away. "Look, I really like you, and I hope that you can just forget about him and just let him go", Raph said. You nodded. "Ok", you said quietly. He smiled and hugged you again, kissing you. "Can I have a bandaid? Because I think I just fell for you", he said. You laughed and kissed him. "Thanks Raph."


Meanwhile, a little ways away, Leo wasn't very happy...

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