~Hello~ (Donnie x April x Reader)

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You had a card in your hands as you happily skipped to the lair. Today was the day you'd confess to Donnie about your love for him. Nothing could stop you. You were about to knock on the lab door when you heard voices. You opened it a crack and bit your lip.

Donnie and April were inside. "Donnie, I-I love you", she said. You felt a tear slide down your cheek as they kissed. You turned and dropped the card into the little lake under the tire swing. You ran home, shut the door and locked it, crying hard.

You didn't visit the turtles for months. When ever one would try to call you, you'd felt like something would pang at your heart. You blocked all their numbers, even Donnie's.

Meanwhile in the lair, April had only dated Donnie to make Casey jelly and then April broke up with Donnie, leaving him heartbroken. Donnie was sitting near the little pool of water when something caught his eye. He dove in and grabbed it. He opened the waterproof envelope and pulled out a card. It had a picture of him and (y/n) on it. He read the words:

Hello from the other side Donnie!! I really hope this Valentine's Day you'll be mine!! Love you!!

~ Y/n

Donnie Burt into tears and got up and started running to your house.

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