~Innocense~ (Leo x Reader)

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For @Venus_hamato

Leo went solo tonight, scanning the city of crime. He saw the purple dragons, robbing a bank. But with them was a girl with innocent eyes of worry. "I dot want to do this Evan!!" You said to your older brother, the leader of the purple dragons. "I don't care!! Your no goody-goody anymore!!" "Stop in the name of justice!!" Leo said and the PDs ran off. You turned to Leo. "Thanks", you said. "What's your name?" "Y/n. I'm this many", you said and held up five fingers. Leo nodded and grabbed you. "I'll take care of you from now on", he said and together, you went back I the lair.

(This was a Leo (dad) x reader i guess. The request wasn't quite clear.)

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