~Stay High~ (Mikey x Upset Reader)

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Your feet pounded against the empty subway station. You were crying alright. Your boyfriend had just abused you and you dumped him. You loved Jason with all your heart, but he didn't love you back. He threw you to the dogs like a raw piece of meat. You tripped over the turnstiles of the lair's entrance and fell over. "(Y/n)!!" Mikey called as he ran over to you. He helped you up. You hugged him and cried into his shoulder. He hugged you back.

"What happened?!" He asked. "I dumped him", you responded. You walked to your room and slammed the door. You took out a cigar from the dresser and started smoking.

This went on for weeks until you were in the dojo, just practicing with Raph when you collapsed. Mikey rushed in and carried you to Donnie, who ran some tests on you. "She's been smoking in her room!!" He said angrily. "This is all Jason's fault!!" Mikey said angrily. Leo came in and sat next to Raph who was watching.

You slowly woke up. "Why were you smoking?!" Donnie asked. "What-" "Don't try anything because we have all the evidence we need", Leo said and set a bag full of used cigars next to you. You started crying and Mikey hugged you, rubbing your back.

"He was abusing me and he kept hitting me so I broke up with him but I still love him and now he's gone and I gotta stay high all the time. That the only way to keep him off my mind. I lock myself in my room in haze trying to forget him, but I can't!!" You cried. Mikey hugged you. He put a finger under your chin and you looked up.

Mikey gently kissed you. You stopped crying and closed your eyes. After a little, he pulled away. "Let me help", he said. You nodded and Donnie started checking your wounds.

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