~R-O-M-A-N-C-E~ (Casey x Reader)

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This is my first Casey x reader so please don't hate!!

You were sitting in your room, thinking and playing video games at the same time with Casey, your boyfriend. Sure, your boyfriend was an asshole at points, but he could be really sweet. That was his only problem. Around you, he was the sweetest guy. But around his friends, the teenage mutant ninja turtles of Manhattan, he was a total jerk!! He was so two-faced!!

"Hey (y/n)?" Casey's voice snapped you out of your daze. He pointed to your knuckles and you noticed they were white. "Everything... Ok?" He asked. "Yup!! Totally fine!! Nothing wrong here", you said. He paused the game.

"Something's up. I know that look", he said. "Do you really Jones?"

"Yes I do."

"I don't wanna talk about it."


"No I-"


"Why are you such a two-facer?!" You yelled. He stressed wide eyed at you for a couple seconds then spoke. "Because I still want my friends to think that I'm still me", he said. You rolled your eyes. "And how come at school you ignore me?!" You asked. "Because I feel that you need space. You're a teenage girl after all", he said and put an arm around you. "You're weird Jones", you said and kissed his cheek.

"I know."

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