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COPYRIGHTS © by cutierockstar



You said you love me. You said you will never leave me but what happened to those words?

I'd believe in all your promises, the promises that I thought will last forever.

I'd been fooled by you; believing that your love for me is eternal.

Because of you I learned to believe that destiny and love do exist but now I don't know if it's really true.

I thought we we're destined for each other, now I know I was wrong.

Maybe that's why I don't want to love kasi alam kong masasaktan lang ako but my stupid heart chose to love you.

Now, I keep on asking myself. How can I move on if I can't let go?

(a/n: I would like to thank Pink_Strawberries for making the beautiful trailer.)

Letting GoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon