Chapter 2

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Me and Amanda basically have all classes together, we walked outside and there were tons of people waiting to get a ride. I decided to call my mom and tell her that Amanda and I would just go walk around town. Amanda got out her IPhone 5 and so did I. We both saved up our money to get them and matching cases but today I had my Robert Downey Jr. case on and she had her Hunger Games case on. When it comes to movies she and I like different things, I love Iron Man and she loves Hunger Games. As we walked down the sidewalk we passed many huge houses and fancy cars. We went to our favorite resturant, then I forgot that I didn't bring my debit card! Luckily Amanda brought hers, We sat down and started talking about what we were going to do this summer. "Okay so who would you love to meet this summer?" she askes, I looked at my phone case and said "Robert Downey Jr." she rolled her eyes not very surprised. "Okay what about you Amanda?" I asked. She thought for what seemed like forever and then said "Josh Hutcherson" I laughed only because both of our answers were famous actors.

If only it would come true, we sat for a couple hours talking. She's like a sister to me, "ready?" She asked taking our her debit card. I nodded and we walked to the cashier, "hey Miranda!" The cashier said. It was my cousin Morgan, Amanda gave me the 'oh god it's her' look. I rolled my eyes because I hate her, she always brags about how rich she is and how much stuff she has. Amanda handed her her debit card, "oh hi Morgan" I said. Amanda quickly grabbed her card back and put it in her pocket, "Well bye cousin" Morgan said and waved. I quickly waved and we quickly left. Once we got outside Amanda looked like she was going to explode "UHG I HATE HER!" she yelled "I know so do I" I said in a calm voice. As we walked Amanda slowly forgot about her and we continued to talk about the summer. Then I wanted to get my phone out but I felt around in my pocket and I couldn't find it! I started panicing then I saw a persons shadow appear behind me Amanda froze and her jaw dropped in shock. Then the person layed a hand on my shoulder, I turned and saw a 5'10" man with soft brown hair and carmel eyes looking at me. My eyes widened and I thought I was about to pass out only because that person is Robert Downey Jr.! He was holding my phone in his hand, "Um is this your phone?" he asked in a soft voice. I couldn't speak at all neither could Amanda, he smiled not surprised. My god that smile is so perfect.

"I'm guessing it is by the case" he said and turned the phone to show the case with his face on it. I blushed and nodded, "It's mine." I somehow managed to say. "You left it at the resturant and a girl named Morgan said it was yours... But I didn't believe her because she looked kind of lieka stuck up snotty bitch." I couldn't help but laugh. "Oh yes she is. She's my cousin." I said. Amanda started taking pictures of me and him, she's always creepy like that. He handed me my phone and kissed my cheek, "Bye Miranda." he said, "B-Bye..." I said and waved. Once he got to a distance where he couldn't hear me I screamed "OH MY GOD AMANDA I MET ROBERT DOWNEY JR. AHH I CAN'T EVEN BELIEVE THIS!!!!!!!!" She laughed and hugged me "I'm so glad you met the man of your dreams Miranda" she said. I looked through my contact list to find my mom but then I saw something... it said "You know who I am..." HE GAVE ME HIS PHONE NUMBER OH MY GOD!! I screamed and showed Amanda. "MIRANDA!!" she yelled in excitement. I got to my moms contact and called her.

"MOM!!!" I yelled

"What Miranda"




"Oh my... that's great Miranda!" 

"I KNOW!!" 

"Miranda I have to get back to work tell me about it when you get home, okay?"

"Okay ,  love you"

"Love you too."

I hung up and stared at the contact of Robert. "My god this is amazing!" I said. Amanda agreed and she hit the call button, I started freaking out "AMANDA!" I yelled she grabbed my phone and put it up to her ear. "Hello? Oh hi Robert, this is Amanda so Miranda wanted to know if you and her would like to go out to dinner?" my jaw dropped as she started to smile, "Okay that would be great by Robert!" she said and hung up. "SO WHAT DID HE SAY!" I couldn't help but yell, she put her head down and shook her head "Sorry.." she said with dissapointment. I grabbed my phone and walked home in silence, she looked up in shock and followed me, "Miranda wait.... just text him" I shook my head and stared at his contact, in no time I was already home. "Amanda you can come in if you'd like" my mom offered as she got out of her car. I  walked inside and up to my room, I tossed my phone onto my bed and looked at all the RDJ memorbilia, "Hey Mirand- oh my gosh...." Amanda said as she walked into my room. I forgot it's been a long time since she's been in my room. "Miranda just text him please. I told him you would" Amanda begged. I finnally decided to text him, maybe he likes me as much as I love him... Just Maybe.

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