Chapter 26

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I woke up to the sun peeking through the curtians and hitting my face, with Roberts arms wrapped around me, us, laying on the couch snuggled together. I smiled and looked at his face, it looked like a little kid smiling UHG HE'S PERFECT!! I saw his eyes slowly open as he stretched, he immediatly smiled and kissed my forehead. We stood up and I looked to see if my mother was awake yet but she wasn't, I went to my room to change and after a while I came back down, Robert was standing there twirling his keys then he asked "Do you want to go get something to eat?" I nodded and replied with "I would love to." 

We left the house and drove off to a fancyish resturant which I don't really know the name, but as we walked in and sat down here came our waitress, she was very pretty and nice. Just as we were about to order we were surrounded by people. Mostly magazine workers and stuff like that, they were asking Robert quiestions and taking pictures, the flash was very bright, almost too bright. I covered my face and turned the other direction, and there I saw, news vans and reporters just waiting.

"Oh my god..." I said to myself as I looked over at Robert, he was calm and collect just answering any questions they had. Except for one, who was I to him? A girlfriend? Relative? Who? 

"She's... a friend" Robert said at first, then I looked away, it's like he doesn't want anyone to know we are dating... I mean I understand the whole concept of actors dating normal people but to lie in front of my face, really? Then everyones attention turned to me, just me. 

"Who are you?!" Everyone began asking over and over again, I'm not really used to this whole reporters stuff. Robert grabbed my hand and he drug me out of my seat and quickly went to his car, where there only more people showed up, I really think he's used to this because he just shoved them aside and got into the car. He sped away and we went back home, on the way he let out a sigh of relief and I looked over at him.

"A friend?" I said as he looked at me and nodded "Just friend. We are just friends right?" he asked. I literally just heard my heart shatter, but managed to keep my cool and  agree. 

"I mean why would I be with a girl like you?" He continued, I felt tears coming up as he kept takling. 

"STOP I GET IT!" I said as some tears ran down my face. He then slammed on the brakes and the car behind us rammed into us and he stopped in the middle of an intersection and a car rammed into his side of the car. We flipped and flipped I was screaming then I heard glass shatter and I looked next to me as the seat beside me was empty and I managed to crawl out of the window gasping for air and right beside me was Robert. But the only thing is, he wasn't alive. 

"R-Robert?" I said shaking him gently, then a bit harder yelling  his name. All over my body was bruises and cuts with maybe a broken ankle but I don't really care. All around me people were screaming and sirens blared, I stayed in my spot crying and holding his hand. 

"HELP PLEASE!!" I yelled as I heard people coming near us, it was the paramedics. They took Robert away and they picked me up and carried me to the ambulance. Later, at the hospital I came out with a lime green cast on my leg and just some cuts and bruises. But Robert wasn't there. I sat and waited for a while actually then here came a doctor, "I'm sorry, but... Robert is dead" He said. At that exact moment my heart shattered into a million pieces...

"MIRANDA!!" Robert yelled shaking me as I awoke from a nightmare. I gasped for air looking around then seeing his brown eyes, I smiled and hugged him tightly for it was a dream, a horrible dream. 

"Please don't leave me" I said as a few tears ran down my face, tears of joy that Robert wasn't dead. 

"I won't. I made a promise I wouldn't and I won't ever break that promise." He said and kissed my cheek. 


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