Chapter 38

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As we were driving away Robert looked over at me with a concerned look on his face. I was just quietly looking out the window thinking to myself.

"Miranda? Are you ok?" He asked with a soft tone. 

"Hm?" I looked at him and smiled slightly. "of course I am. You saved me." He smiled and glanced over at me. 

"I love you." I said, he smiled even more and replied with "I love you too." Everything seemed so perfect. Have you ever loved someone so much and it feels like the world is frozen and just you two are left? This is just perfect, to be honest I'm not good with telling people my feelings unless ya know it's someone who I can trust, and Robert is that person that I can trust with my life. We get to my house and he pulls up in the driveway, I look at him with a smile.

"So what now?" I ask about ready to get out.

"This." He said as he cupped my cheeks and kissed me softly. A faint surprised noise escaped my lips but I kissed back. Is this real life? I always dreamed of this but now it's actually happening. This is just amazing. What could go wrong?  He pulled away slowly and he still had that same smile on his face, but then it began to slowly disappear. 

"What's wrong?" I asked confused.

"Well, I'm sorry but you have to go." He said. What? I have to leave now? I knew I shouldn't have said anything about how perfect this was. I just looked at him as tears began to fill in my eyes. 

"W-What?" I managed to choke out.

"Well I mean not forever but, I have to leave for a while." He said.

"Where will you be?" I asked trying not to cry. 

"I'm filming Age of Ultron... I'm sorry. I have to leave in the morning." he said sadly, I could tell he wanted me to go with him but I couldn't. I nodded, that's basically all I could do and slowly got out.

"I love you" He said, I just shut the door and walked up to the steps. He started to back up and I just watched him sadly leave. As he drove off he waved, I looked down and tears fell to the ground. So that's it. I thought my life was perfect but now he's gone for however long. I walked inside and went up to my room, when I got there I closed the door and walked out to my balcony, I sat in the chair and just looked at the sky. 

"Please hurry.." I said and just waited. Waited for him to come back.

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