Chapter 32

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(SONG BASED CHAPTER!!! "Say Something" yep. yepyepyep.) 

A few days after the whole Susan thing everything was going so well, actually, a little too well. It was odd because normally in relationships shouldn't there be like some kind of huge argument? Oh well... It doesn't matter. 

Robert came in after a long day of working which wasn't even work really, he was just at a set for a movie but I didn't want to tell him anything. 

"Hey Robert" I said happily from the couch where I've been almost all day just typing fanfics and stuff. He slammed the door behind him angrily and glared at me.

"Oh be quiet! Would you for once get up off your butt and actually help?" He sounded so pissed off it was unreal! 

"Uhhh... what?" I asked looking up at him, this is very confusing because I don't even know what I did.


"What is your problem?!" I asked getting more and more scared with each word he yelled.



"GET OUT!!!" He yelled, it really escalated that quickly it was surprising. 

I shook my head and brought my knees up to my chest, I couldn't move. It was like I was frozen like that, he stood there just glaring at me clinching his fists, he looked like he was about to punch me but he wasn't going to. He's too nice for that.

"Why are you still here?!" He asked calming down a bit but not too much. 

"Wh-what did I do?" I asked beginning to cry, it was so hard not to. All the pain that just burst out of me, it's like my heart was about to pop out of my chest!!

"You know how many people are making fun of me because of you?! It's bad enough that I was already being hated on now this!!" He said. 

"R-Robert I'm sorry... please let me fix this. I don't want to leave. You're the best thing that's happened to me and if you weren't even alive my life would be horrible! What if you died when you were young? It scares me everyday for you to go out there! What if someone brings a gun and you take a bullet for someone!" I said looking up at him, all that anger in his face quickly turned to sorrow. I could tell he realized what he was doing. Who he was hurting. I shook my head and grabbed my laptop and ran out the door as fast as I could. I ran and ran and ran as fast and as far as I could, I didn't want to be anywhere near his house, or him. I took out my phone and called my mother immediatly. 


"Mom.. c-can you come get me?"

"Sure sweetie. Is everything okay?"

"N-no.. please hurry"

"I will. I'll be right there."

"Thank you, Love you."

"Love you too sweetie."

-end of call-

The good thing about my mom is when I tell her to pick me up, instead of just asking she has the find my phone app and has it linked to my phone so she could just easily drive to where I am. When she picked me up the car ride home was silent, she knew not to say anything. Once we got home I just ran upstairs to my room and locked the door behind me, throwing my laptop on the bed and falling on the bed crying into a pillow. Everything reminded me of Robert in this room, it needed to go. Now. I wiped my tears and looked around at my life spent obsessing over him. I got out a few boxes and began to take everything down. All the posters, all the pictures, everything. I even put the lifesize cutout of Robert in his Iron Man suit in the hallway, I threw everything in the hallway. All of my books full of drawings and stories, my clothes that had him on them, anything that was related to Robert was in the hallway.

"Honey... let's put this stuff in the storage room." My mom said as she began to take a few boxes and took them down the hall about two doors down to a huge room that was meant to be the storage room but when nobody was home I would go in there and paint. As I helped the room was half full of things. I shut the door and hugged my mom tightly. She went back downstairs and continued to work on her homework from work. I walked back into my room and everything was different. Nothing was the same, the walls were empty, my closet was half empty, everything was empty.

I decided to go to sleep, I used to hug a pillow of Robert but instead, I just cried myself to sleep. All the pain, all the sadness I wanted it to end. 

-The Dream-

It all started bright and sunny, everything was perfect. Then, dark clouds rolled in, everything turned into a living nightmare. I was standing next to Robert smiling, he had the same perfect smile on his face as always. Then we heard a whole bunch of screaming, we ran to the source and it looked like a bomb went off, and one did. It was this little store, why a store I don't know but Robert ran inside to help people. 

"Please be careful.." I said to him.

"I will be... I love you so much" He said and kissed me softly.

"I love you more" I said as he ran inside, then about five minutes later I could see him, through all the dark smoke I could see him. 


There went a second explosion, right in front of Robert. I screamed, a few police officers ran to my side trying to calm me down but nothing helped. The fact he risked his life to help people... I couldn't even breathe at this point in time. I blacked out.

I woke up the next morning in the hospital, the doctors told me that I wasn't breathing they had to do CPR and get a breathing machine to help. Then, a nurse brought in a little gold box and handed it to me with a note on top.

It read:

Miranda,  I've tried to rewrite this about a thousand times. I just want to say I love you so much, you're the person that saw the good in me more than anyone else. My life has been amazing with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?

I opened the box and a ring with a diamond in the middle was in it. 

"ROBERT!!!" I screamed.

-End of Dream-

That's when I woke up crying. I knew this was a bad idea for me to go to sleep, why? I don't even know why I tried. I curled up in a ball and sobbed for another hour.

"I loved you" 

(Yay for long chapters!!!! YAY)

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