Chapter 31

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I stood in silence as Loki stood up and fixed his outfit.

"Well that was.... weird. She was crazy wasn't she?" Loki asked standing right in front of me staring into my eyes, and I just stood in shock. I actually witnessed someone die, and not just anyone. A very important person and if anyone found out me and Robert would be dead!

"Hello? Are you okay?" Loki asked waving a hand in front of my face.

"N-no... what happens when everyone finds out about this?! We will both be dead and Robert would be accused of it!" I yelled loud enough that I heard someone start to walk towards us. It was Robert of course but he couldn't see Loki it wouldn't be right. Loki vanished leaving the body behind, I froze, I couldn't move I was too scared to. 

"H-Hello? Who's there?" Robert asked scared like moving closer and closer.

"I-It's.... me..." I whispered hoping he didn't have any wepon that could hurt me. 

"Susan?" he asked apparently not hearing me then flipped on the light switch exposing the scene. His eyes widened staring at the dead body then trailing up to me. His jaw dropped and I was so close to just breaking down in tears saying how sorry I am and I shouldn't have done that. 

"M-Miranda..." He said, I hoped for the worst but he actually ran over and hugged me. I sobbed on his shoulder hugging him tightly. 

"Thank you.. thank you thank you thank you!!" He repeated. Why is he thanking me?! This makes no sense!! 

"Why are you thanking me? I-I just... she's dead!" I said pulling away from the hug and staring into his brown eyes.

"Because... I didn't love her... I love you" He said smiling a warm smile.

"But still I just kill-" He cut me off with a kiss.

"Shh.. I love you" He said softly holding my hands, and kissed me again.

(Okay so... so so so this next chapter is going to be song based I think. The song is Say Something so that means there will be some fighting just so you know)

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