Chapter 10

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I saw a light come on in the corner of my eye, I turned to see it was my dad with a flashlight. He stood there, he looked very angry but honestly I didn't do anything wrong. "Um, Hey dad" I said. He walked over to us and grabbed my arm, "Your grounded get back inside!" He yelled. Robert stood in front of me, "Sir she didn't do anything wrong! You can't ground her, I mean all she did was come outside because I hit her window so she wanted to see what was going on." Robert explained. My father though is an overly protective father. I'm his only daughter so of course he would be that way. "Dad, please I didn't do anything I swear!" I said. He pulled me away from Robert, I tried to get back to him but I couldn't. Tears came up in my eyes as my dad pulled me back into the house, "Miranda! I love you!" Robert yelled before my dad slammed the door shut.

The only reason why Robert didn't try to stop him was because he probably was afraid my dad would call the police. I looked at him, the fact he actually did that I just can't, I ran upstairs and slammed my door shut and locked it. I walked over to the window hopefully to see Robert there but he was gone. I walked to the corner of my room which had double doors leading outside to my balcony, I opened them up slowly and a faint creeking sound came up. I walked out and looked around hopefully to see him, but he wasn't. Why did my dad have to ruin this for me? Robert was perfect, just amazing but no my dad had to ruin this. My balcony has two chairs for me and Amanda, I sat down in the neon green chair and looked up at the stars. Just thinking the man I loved is now gone, just like my dream. As I looked at the glowing stars I cried, I just want to rewind the clock and make sure my dad never came outside. But I can't do that. He's gone. I sat their all morning, I fell asleep butnow there was no dream. I woke up to Amanda sitting next to me in the blue chair, she looked sad. I guess she found out what happened. 

"Miranda, I'm sorry that had to happen. I would've stopped him but my mom caught me about to leave andsaid I had to go back to my room" She said.

"Wait, you saw what happened?" I asked.

"Yeah, I heard Robert's car and the headlights shined through my window so I went to see what it was and I saw the whole thing" She explained. 

I  sat up and looked into my room, "How will I ever forget now? My whole room is Robert" I said. Then a police car pulled up in the driveway. I looked at Amanda and she looked back at me, "My dad!" I said and ran downstairs. Amanda followed and once we got outside my dad was talking to the officer. 

"He looked to be 5'10" brown hair and driving an Audi R8" My dad told the officer. 

I backed up and turned away. I couldn't stand this so I ran up to my room and laid on my bed and cried. Why does he do this to me!? "Miranda! Are you in there!?" I heard my dad call from outside. I didn't respond to him, Robert shouldn't be arrested for this! I just decided to walk to my balcony only to see the most horrific sight ever. Robert handcuffed. 

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