Chapter 6

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Then a person walked up behind us and sat down next to me, it was Morgan.

"Hey baby cousin" she said like a snob.

I tried to ignore her, but she kept bothering me. "What do you want Amanda?" I asked.

"What's up?" 

"I'M ON A DATE IDIOT" I yelled.

"Whoa calm down."

"Leave, NOW!"

She rolled her eyes  and left, Robert remained silent and looked at me, "Are you alright?" he asked. I nodded and stood up. He stood up with me and we walked back to the mansion. As we got there I looked around for my phone but, IT WAS GONE! Where is my phone?! Oh my god, I can't lose that phone! I looked at Robert and he asked "What's wrong?"

"My phone!"

"Where did you set it down last?" He asked as he started to look around.

"On the table, but it's not there anymore!"

"Well who could've taken it?" he asked.

"I don't kn- MORGAN!" It all makes sense now, why Morgan came up to us on the beach and why she was acting all weird. She took my phone! 

"Wait, how do you know it was her?" Robert asked.

"Because she was being all nice, she is never nice to me, EVER!"

Robert grabbed my hand and we ran out to the car, "Let's go get your phone back" he said as he started up the car. I swear he was going over 100 mph, "Robert slow down" I said he shook his head and looked around for her. When he found her he slammed his foot down on the break and got out of the car.  "Robert wait!" I said and followed him, he grabbed her shoulder and spun her around to where she is facing him. "Where is her phone?!" he yelled. Morgan, in shock didn't say a word to him, I looked at her pocket and saw the top part of my case. "Robert, in her pocket" I said. Robert got into her pocket and got my phone put. "Hey! That's mine!" Morgan yelled.

"NO MORGAN IT ISN'T!!" I yelled and took it out of Robert's hand, it was mine because the lock screen was the picture Amanda took of me and Robert. Why would she do that? It's just not right, I need to know why!! What did I do to her to make her ruin my night?! See this is why I never want to be in the same room as her!

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