Chapter 7

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Robert stepped back, I could tell all he saw of her was a demon. Morgan isn't the person you see with a kind spirit, well there is her parents only because she acts like an angel around them. Morgan stood there like she did nothing wrong "So why do you think I took your phone?" She asked. Wow the stupidest question on the face of the earth!! "MORGAN MY GOD IT WAS IN YOUR POCKET!!!!" Robert yelled. I turned to him "Robert, it's okay I got this just calm down, please" I said in a soft voice. With me I don't get mad until either people make fun of Robert or just take my phone but with Morgan I'm used to it. "Now Morgan, please just admit you took my phone or esle" I said. 

"Why should I?!" She said as she crossed her arms, in the corner of my eye I could see Robert doing something on his phone. 

"Because, you don't want your parents to find out. Do you?" 

"Well ... No, but how are you going to tell them?"

"Robert." I said and grabbed his phone, of course he was about to tweet that a girl just stole his friends phone. But wait, he didn't put friend, he put GIRLFRIEND?! I froze at the sight, Oh my, Girlfriend, no. He has to be joking, it can't be true! I can't be dating the most hottest actor in the world! 

"Wait, no please! Okay I admit I took your phone! I just wanted your night ruined" Morgan said. 

"Okay, now Miranda give me my phone back, please" Robert said in a much calmer voice. I handed his phone back to him without making direct eye contact to anyone. Then in my head a flashback came up of when I was young, it was the first time I put a poster of Robert on my wall. It was when I wanted to be his wife, how I always wanted to be with him. But, now ... it was so unexpected. Morgan walked along the sidewalk like nothing just happened and Robert looked at me, I was staring at the ground not saying anything. 

"Um Miranda, she's gone now. You wanna go back to the mansion?" He asked. I shook my head quickly and walked over to the car. "Home" I said, I could hear him sigh as I got into the car. He drove me home, I swear that was the most silent car ride I've ever had. Once we got to my house I looked at him and he smiled. "So, I'll text you then Miranda?" he asked. I nodded and he walked me up to the door. He looked sad, like he didn't want this night to end, but I did. It's not because of him, I just need to think about  what he was going to tweet. He kissed me, but this time it was a quick kiss on the lips then he smiled and left. He gave me one last wave before he sped down the road. I stood facing the door then it jerked open, it was my mom smiling. 

"So, how was your "date" with Robert" She asked. 

"It was great" I said not mentioning the tweet or Morgan. I walked past her and sped up to my room, I tossed my phone onto my bed and changed into my pajamas. I grabbed my  journal and began writing.

Dear Diary, well today was an amazing day, I got to meet Robert! And I got his phone number, also we went out to dinner! The best night of my life until, I read his tweet he was about to send. He called me his girlfriend. I know I've always wanted to be known as that from him but this time it was different. Like what would Amanda say?! I'm just going to think about it, maybe I'll tell Robert tomorrow, but for now it stays here where nobody can read it. Well tonight was a long great night, I better get some sleep. Love, Miranda.

I closed the journal and set it on my night stand, I laid down in bed but I couldn't go to sleep at all. I don't know why but I just couldn't. Finally after what felt like two hours I fell asleep. But then of course I had to dream, and tonight was horrible. It's like fate didn't want Robert and I to be together, even if it was just as friends.

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