Chapter 27

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(Okay sorry it's been a while to actually get this chapter updates I was thinking of ways to put it up and then I just now got finished writing it)

So today we decided to go to an amusement park, because ya know sometimes you want to be a little kid again and go, DON'T JUDGE ME! So I got ready and put on a loose Iron Man shirt and skinny jeans with red high top converses. Oh and I couldn't forget my phone with now an Iron Man case that matches my shirt. Robert looked at me as I came down the steps, my hair was curly and down with each step I took the curls bounced. He smiled brightly and once I reached the bottom he held my hand.

"You look stunning" he said like a gentleman, I giggled and said "Why thank you and if I do say so myself you look rather charming" I sounded so so sophisticated! But really I'm not at all. We walked out to his car which we seem to be going everywhere a lot lately we drove to his house first so he could change and everything, we stepped inside and he went to the bathroom to go get a shower. I stayed in the living room sitting on the couch looking around at everything. Then I decided to get up and look around.

I went into the bedroom and looked around, then I walked to the basement which was fairly large.I went to a room which the door was an Iron Man painting all over the door. Once I walked in I stood in awe at the sight of tons of Iron Man memorabilia, it ranged from helmets to arc reactors to scripts anything you could think of. Why haven't I seen this part of his house before? I walked the room next door and this room though, had a different outcome entirely, the walls were filled with articles and pictures. Then in the corner a case, a large glass case, I walked Over to it and lights popped on. An outfit and then around it were mugshots and articles and a cigarette pack. I knew where the outfit was from, Less Than Zero. Everything was from his past, not the good past but the bad. I placed my hand on the glass and whispered "Julian..." I was startled when Robert's reflection appeared in the glass, I turned around and there he was. Jeans and a T-shirt, he looked around the room then stopped at the case, he grabbed my hand and said "you ready? I am. Let's go" he walked rather quickly to his car without saying a word and got in.

"Why did you have that stuff?" I asked looking at him as we sped down the road to the amusement park.

"As a reminder" he said looked at me.

"A reminder for what?" I asked out of curiosity.

"To never go back. I finally changed and that's a reminder to not turn back. I am finally happy, I have you. I don't want to lose you" He said as we parked in the amusement park parking lot. I smile brightly and got out of the car. As we walked into the park the huge rides were so awesome! I grabbed his hand and ran over to the first ride I saw and barley got on before they closed the gate.

*tons of hours and rides later*

"THAT WAS AWESOME!! LETS GO AGAIN" I shouted. Robert laughed and shook his head "I think that's enough for today"

Well we walked back to the car and a person was standing at the car leaning on the driver door. She was a very pretty lady with little more than shoulder length hair which was a brownish color. Robert immediately stopped in his tracks and stayed silent.

"What? You don't want to talk to me Mr. Downey?" she asked glaring at him. Then it hit me of who she was.

(CLIFF HANGER YEA I JUST DID THAT! Thanks for 5.9K reads! please give feedback!)

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