Chapter 39

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Day 10: Well, it's obviously only been ten days but it feels like it's been longer than that. I don't know why but it seems so different here without him, maybe it's because I'm not really running around anymore, but oh well. Amanda and I have been hanging out a lot more which is good. It's just at night is when I hate him not being here the most. I've been having a lot of nightmares recently, why? I don't know. Probably because it's that whole idea that you love someone and they're away for a while so you think they'll get hurt or even worse, killed. I guess I always just worry that something might happen on set and the news would say that people were killed and one was him. But with Amanda around she has been helping me a lot, saying not to think bad things like that just good things. He has been texting me though so that's good. I just can't wait for him to come back home and for me to see him again. Well, Amanda's calling me so I better go. I'll write about my nightmare from last night in a little bit. Bye! -Miranda

I sighed and closed my journal, setting it on the nightstand and picking up my phone.

"Hello?" I said.

"Miranda!! You, me, movie night!" She exclaimed. 

"Alright. Your house?" I said with a smile.

"Yep." She said.

"Alright. Bye dork" I said.

"Bye loser." She said and hung up. I laid back on the bed and sighed again, I didn't want to go out tonight but she's my friend and I don't have nightmares or think bad when I'm around her. It's weird how that works but it's true. I stood up and grabbed my Avengers backpack, putting some clothes in it and a swim suit just in case she decides to go swimming, since ya know she has her own pool. I put my bag by my door and put on some pretty decent clothes and put my hair in a pony tail, well, that took like two minutes. She won't be over for like another hour so I decide to grab my journal and go out on the balcony. I sit in my chair and put my headphones on, I've been listening to different music since Robert left. More Sleeping With SIrens and Linkin Park and just stuff like that, sometimes I only listen to sad music  but that's only if I am about to cry, don't question me. I opened my journal to a blank page and took a deep breath.

The Nightmare: It all started out pretty good actually, I was just swimming with Amanda and a couple of my guy friends, we were playing water basketball and the girls were winning. Then my mom walked over to the edge of the pool, she didn't look too happy, she looked sad so I swam over to the side where she was. I asked what was wrong and she responded with "you need to go to the hospital." Everything froze for a second, I swore my heart skipped a beat. I jumped out quickly and slid on my flip flops, Amanda followed me and so did the other two boys. They were my closest friends so if I ever needed them they would be right there with me. We all ran to my car, Amanda offered to drive but I said no and drove everyone to the hospital. I didn't need to know which one, I just knew. Once we got there we all ran inside still soaking and just in our swim wear. I ran over to the desk and asked for Robert's room, she said he was in ICU and that he was not allowed to have visitors. That's when I broke down, Amanda hugged me and she just kept whispering that everything would be okay, the two boys hugged me also, like I said they are the type of friends that are there with you till the end of the line. (TWS quote. You're welcome) I probably cried for ten minutes, then the doctor came out, he looked like he had just been hit by a bus. He was covered in blood and just looked worn out. We all looked at him, he asked for me, as he pulled me aside my friends stayed close, he told me there had been a shooting, and that the shooter had only targeted certain people. One of them being Robert. My heart stopped for a second, who would want to killl Robert? Well a lot of people yeah but while filming? That's just messed up. I was frozen, I couldn't move, hell, I couldn't even breathe. The doctor said he was sorry but there was nothing he could do, and that Robert had died. His wounds were to great, and so they just let him die peacefully. Amanda ran over as soon as she heard and hugged me tightly, I collapsed in her arms, crying my eyes out. And that's when I woke up. So you see. That's why I have trouble going to sleep by myself. 

Right when I got done with my sentence Amanda walked up. 

"Hey loser! You ready?" She yelled jokingly.

"Yeah dork I'll be right down." I stood up and walked back into my room, grabbing my bag and walking downstairs, meeting her outside. She smiled and we walked back to her house. Once we got there I forgot one major thing. My phone, yes I know it's stupid but Robert has been texting me and now without it I can't really text him and I can't go back and get it, so, I guess it's just one night without my phone. One. Night. 

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