Chapter 8

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My dream, where do I even start? 

So just imagine this, you are with the man of your dreams in my case Robert, he looks at you. Those carmel brown eyes and that beautiful smile, and don't forget the silky soft hair. He is holding your hand, as he turns and is standing in front of you, he leans in and kisses you. But then as always some photographer gets a picture and puts it on magazines and everything! All around you people are starting to judge you, but if you are anything like me you don't care. But then there's that one person you would just like to punch in the face and that person is there. She grabs your boyfriend or the guy your with and makes out with him, the anger inside of you builds up and all you can see is red. Then the worst part is, your man isn't trying to stop her. You can just feel your heart break and snap into millions of tiny pieces. The world freezes it feels like, and you can't do anything. You begin to cry because you just wittnessed the sight of your boyfriend making out with the one person you can't stand. As you run away, the world feels like its tumbling down on you. Your entire life wanting to be with this one person is now over, You take the case off of your phone and snap it in half. You run home and see all the posters on the wall, you begin to tear them down, rip them to shreads. You look back at all the years you spent making your room as unique as it is. Now it's all gone, dark coulds begin to form and it starts to rain. You walk to the window and see the falling rain. Then thunder, you think why did you even get to attached to him. As you wipe your tears you say "Never get to attached to things, they always seem to end up breaking your heart." The world to you is now dark, the man you loved and he loved you so much just broke your heart. You think this is all real but dreams can become real. You lay on your bed and just stare at the ceiling, then memories of him come back. You try and shake them out of your head then I see that tweet with the word Girlfriend. All I could do was cry, how do you know it's not meant to be? Well, you don't, well you actually do. In your heart, if it's not meant to be then something will tell you.

I found myself writing all this down in my journal, I'm wide awake and it is 3 in the morning. As I look around my room posters cover the true color of the walls which was a blue. But you could barley see the walls with so much posters, but then I asked myself this.

Is this really meant to be? Is fate bringing us together, or trying to tear us apart?

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