Chapter 33

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That next day was so hard to even get out of my room, I just laid in bed starring at the ceiling. Then I heard a nock at my door.

"it's open!" I said, it opened carefully and there he stood. Not Robert but someone entirley different. Tom Hiddleston. How does he know where I live? My god I feel like a freaking celebrity! I looked over at him, I seriously looked like I just got hit by a bus.

"Hello.." He said in that cute little british voice that I love, don't get me wrong I love Robert still, even after he broke my heart but Tom is my next choice, he's tall, handsome, funny, and knows how to treat a lady properly.

"Hi Tom." I said, or was I supposed to call him Mr. Hiddleston? No, I don't think so.

"I heard what happened with you and Robert, and I just came here to talk to you about it because I don't think you understood what happened." He said kindly, he always sounds so nice it's unreal.

"Can I at least clean up?" I asked sitting up, he nodded so I went to my closet and got light blue skinny jeans and a white blouse with a mint green scarf. I walked past him and went into the bathroom, it took like half an hour to get a shower, dry my hair and curl it, and put on my clothes and make-up. I walked back into my room looking like a completley different person, I knew I did because Tom's eyes lit up in awe.

"You look beautiful.." he said and grabbed my hand gently.

"What are you doing?"

"You and I are going for a little walk, I think you need a little fresh air, or at least, that's what your mother said"

We walked out and just began to walk around my neighborhood, everything seemed so calm, so quiet, it was perfect.

"So, what happened with you two?"

"Honsetly Tom, I don't know. He just came home and started yelling. He scared me so much I just had to run out and leave, I couldn't be near his house." I tried to explain but I couldn't.

"Well, you don't even know the whole story, trust me. I remember about an hour later, after that whole mess happened he called me and he was crying. He kept saying how he ruined everything and I tried to get him to at least calm down and give a little bit more detail but it didn't work so I just decided to go to his house and get your address and here we are." He explained.

Does he really still love me? Did he not mean to do that? This is so confusing I don't been know what to believe. But I mean it's Tom Hiddleston how can you not believe him?

"Will you please just give Robert another chance? Please, for me. You two seem so happy together and would hate for that to be broken up just by one small incident" he said, my heart just melted when he said for me.

"But Tom, it wasn't a "small incident" this was huge, for the first time in a long time I was scared that he of all people would hurt me." I said arguing with him, I just wanted to slap myself in the face, why was I arguing with Tom Hiddleston?! This wasn't right whatsoever I can't believe it and he is taking it so well it's amazing!!

"Miranda... Please." He said as he stopped walking and turned so he was in front of me now. Oh my god.... What is he gonna do?

"But... Tom you don't understan-" I was cut off by his lips against mine. My mind just exploded, Tom Hiddleston just kissed me oh my god!

He pulled away and rested our foreheads together and mumbled "I love you..."

What have I gotten myself into?

AN: Cliffhanger!!!!!!! Well Happy New Year!! Thank you all so much for all the reads and votes it's so amazing seeing this all be put together and people loving it! Thank you all again.

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