Chapter 12

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Wait! Robert is supposed to be in jail, not skyping with my best friend!! "Miranda, look who I got to skype with us!" Amanda said, as I walked over to her desk with the large computer questions roamed throughout my mind.

"How did you do this?" I asked.

"Remember, my dad is an officer so I called him and told him what happened and so he set up a skype session but only for a little bit." Amanda explained. 

"Hey, Miranda!" Robert said, but he didn't sound like himself. He sounded terrified.

"Robert, I'm so sorry" I said, not mentioning my dad passing away. So me and Robert talked for a while then Amanda's dad came up behind Robert.

"Time to go" Her dad said.

"NO WAIT!" I yelled then the screen went black, I began to cry and Amanda said "Aw, it's okay you'll get to see him soon" She hugged me and I said "NO! MY DAD DIED!!!!" She froze, I stared at the black screen, now Robert and my dad are both gone! "Miranda, please clam down, it's alright. It was his time to go" She said trying to comfort me. "I wanna go see Robert. Now" I said, she smiled, I think she knew that's what I wanted to do. "C'mon then, my mom will drive us there." She said and got flip flops on. We walked down the stairs and I tried to look like I hadn't been crying. We walked to her mom who was in the kitchen and we asked if she could drive us there. She nodded and grabbed her keys, Amanda, staying close beside me just in case we got into her mom's 2013 navy blue Mercedies Benz and drove to jail. It's so weird saying that, once we got there her mom walked us in and we went to her dad. "Oh, hello Amanda" He said, "Hey, dad. Can Miranda see Robert?" She asked. he nodded and we went to the place where he was. Her father unlocked the door and I ran into Robert's arms.He held me as I cried into his shoulder, "Miranda, I'm so sorry." He said, I looked up at him, every time I see those brown eyes I feel better.

"It's okay, but my dad died" I said.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" He said.

"It's fine, but I just need you to be with me. I can't live without you now. Since my father died I need someone" I said.

"I'll never leave you Miranda." He said..

He'll never leave me, ever. But wait, how is he going to get out of jail now? If he isn't out of jail then he won't be with me. I had to find a way to get him out of jail, but how? I looked over at Amanda and she was just staring off into space, like always. "Amanda!" I said, she looked over to me and Robert. 

"So, what's your plan of getting him out?" She asked. Oh wow, did she read my mind or something?

"Your dad?" I asked. We all looked over to her dad and I walked over to him. There was a part in me that said just go home he isn't worth all the trouble. Really? Isn't worth all the trouble?! As I got closer and closer to him that part of me grew larger and larger. He stood in his uniform with a smile on his face, I was always Amanda's parents favorite. 

"What can I do for you Miranda?" He asked. I pointed over to Robert in his cell, her dad shook his head. I knew that this would happen, he won't get out for who knows how long! 

"Please. My dad jsut died and he's the only one I have left." I said, her dad tilted his head to the side in disbelife and chucked.

"Yeah, sure" He said. I ran back over to Robert and clingged to him, "Fine, then I'm staying in here with Robert!" I said. Amanda looked at me with the 'are you insane' look. But I was serious, so it looks like tonight, I'm in jail.

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