Chapter 13

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Hm, jail. I never thought that me, Miranda, would be in jail for a night or so. I stayed in Robert's arms the entire night, I couldn't sleep at all. I layed, staring up at the grey lifeless cold concrete ceiling, Robert was sound asleep. I guess he's had a pretty rough day he deserves some sleep, in jail it's so cold though! As I snuggled up next to Robert still no sleep, not even tired. Then I heard someone walking toward the cell, I nugged Robert wanting him to wake up quickly. He slowly opened his eyes, "Wh-What Miranda?" He asked in a soft voice. I pointed toward the door of the cell, you could see a shadow coming closer to us. I tensed up, what could that be? He sat up and tried to see if he could at least recognize the shadow. He stood up slowly and crept over to the door, then something grabbed him by his shirt. WHOA WAIT WHAT!!! I jumped up and ran over to him, it was the officer. "Hey! Let him go!!" I yelled. The officer unlocked the cell and yanked Robert out, but then left me! He slammed the door shut in my face and handcuffed Robert, AGAIN! "HEY! OFFICER IDIOT TELL ME WHAT YOU'RE DOING!" I yelled, he looked up at me and said in a very hateful voice, "He has a trial to attend to ma'am"  Seriously, a trial at like 6 in the morning?! That's a little early, don't ya think? He dragged Robert out of the room and so there I was, all alone.

There wasn't any windows or anything, just a dark, cold, concrete cell. I sat in the corner curled up in a ball for warmth, why couldn't he just take me with him? Then I heard a voice by the door.

"So, how do ya like the jail life?" It asked. I couldn't quite make out the sound, it wasn't a girl so not Amanda or Morgan or anybody like that. It wasn't Robert's voice, who ws it?

"What? I'm only in here because Robert was in here" I said.

"Mmmm, right well okay" Then he showed himself, it was, my ex-boyfriend James?!

"Oh my god, James what are you doing here?!" I said kind of loud.

  "What, can an ex not come and see his ex in jail?" He said with an evil smirk on his face.I hate him, it's been 8 months since we've broken up. 

"Shut up! Like I said, I'm only in here cau-" Then he cut me off

"Yes Robert I know! But hey, would ya look at that he is in jail too!" He said, I knew what he was doing he's just trying to make me mad but it won't work. 

"James, go, just please leave" I said.Then here came Amanda's dad with Robert, oh joy. It's just a huge party! 

"Well well well, who do we have here? Mr. Downey, hm, haven't seen you in jail for how long? A few years?" James said,  "James, don't!" I yelled and stood by the cell door. 

"You can leave me alone! Okay, i'm done with the past, I'm a changed man now!" Robert yelled, then here cam officer idiot jumping right into the middle of the fight.

"Mr. Rolding, leave before I throw you in jail." He said, James immediatly left, I think his last name is so funny, Rolding.  The officer unlocked the door and let me out, "You and Robert are free to leave with no charges" He said.

Ah yes! We left the jail and on our way back to my house he stopped at a bridge. It was lit up with blue lights, it was like a bridge that nobody is driving on. He got out of the car and he opened my door, I stepped out and looked around. He held my hand and we walked over to the edge, the water was sparkiling with the sunrise reflecting off the top. He looked over to me, the wind was slow almost nothing, no clouds in the sky, like he all somehow planned this through jail. It just seemed like time froze at that moment, a perfect setting for a date. He smiled at me, I always melt when I see that smile!! It's so freaking perfect!! He leaned in close to me and kissed me. There, today, no, my life is complete. True love's kiss. Yes, that's it, he's my true love. 

"Miranda..." he said.


He whispered "I'm yours."

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