Arrival on Tatooine

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I come out of hyperspace right next to Tatooine, and I pause for a moment, looking at my home planet with a sad smile on my face. I begin to enter its atmosphere and decide to descend into Mos Eisley, one of the more inhabited parts of Tatooine. It's also situated near my hometown, as most of the planet is just vast desert and extremely unforgiving.

I descend into Docking Bay 95, a large, dusty pit in the sand, and a light begins flashing on my dash along with a loud series of beeps, indicating an incoming transmission. I lean forward to answer it. 

"General Hawkins," Commander Tagge begins. 

"Yes, Commander Tagge," I reply, annoyed that even on a planet as remote as Tatooine, I can't escape the Empire. I lower my landing gear and decrease the thrust.

"We've organised a small speeder near the main Docking Bays of Mos Eisley for you," he tells me. I land in the Docking Bay, and I begin shutting down my ship.

"Really?" I say, switching off the thermal boosters. "May I ask why?"

"Lord Vader thought it would make your search for the plans quicker and easier if you had more, shall I say, local transport."

"Okay, will you thank him for me?" I ask as I lean up and switch off the engines and the thrust, but I frown to myself. Vader is not one to do favours or kind acts for anyone, so why is he doing this? He must really be desperate to find the plans.

"Of course, Tagge out."

The transmission cuts out, and I cringe at the last two words he says as I pull off my helmet.

"Yeah, go away," I say under my breath, pulling off my flying gloves and chucking them into the helmet, and I get up out of my seat. Before I leave, I decide to talk to Zach quickly, and I chuck my helmet into the co-pilot's seat.

I grab my comlink and hold it to my mouth as I head out of the cockpit. "Zach. Zach!"

I know if he doesn't reply he'll be with some Imperial Officers, and of course, he'll have to have it switched off. But when we're alone we always have it on, just in case news of the Rebellion needs to be transmitted to us urgently.

"What is it, Nat?" he asks.

"Can you try and send me regular updates on what's going on with the Princess, and also what's going on with the Death Star? According to Motti and Tarkin, that thing's nearly operational," I say as I extend the ramp that leads down to the Docking Bay.

"Okay, I'll keep you posted. Oh! And Evan's back. He says the Alliance have gained two new pilots at the Yavin Base. They just arrived, actually. Two guys, Biggs Darklighter and Wedge Antilles. I don't know if that means anything to you?"

"Nope, I have no idea who they are," I reply.

"Well, Biggs said he came from Tatooine, and has a friend down there..."

"Do you know his name?" I ask, wanting to see if his friend is also a Rebel whom I could possibly contact.

"Evan didn't get that."

I smile. "Good old Evan."

"I gotta go. Talk to you later, Nat."

I smile again and place my comlink back onto my belt. I then stop and wonder about my clothes; are they Tatooine friendly? I mean, a black tunic, black trousers, with knee high black leather boots, and a black cape and hood? They don't really seem like the best things to be wearing in such a hot climate, and I should know well enough that the last thing you want to be during an already intense mission is hot and uncomfortable. I decide to take a quick look around my ship, and try to find my old clothes from Tatooine.

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now