Rescuing the Princess

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Han and Luke put on their helmets, and the four of us march Chewbacca into the giant Death Star. I glance behind me as we walk up the grey corridors towards the Detention Block via the vacuum elevators, and find Han and Luke trying to look inconspicuous in their Stromtrooper uniforms, Han carrying a laser rifle.

"Try to look like you're not infiltrating a space station," I hiss at them. "Act natural."

I turn around, looking back at Zach. "Where are Cho and Ami? The girls from Kamino."

"A few Officers thought them 'unworthy' of a position here. Evan and I thought it best to send them to a base on..."

He looks down, furrowing his eyebrows, and I immediately know something is wrong. I look around the hallway and, thankfully, it's empty, and I gesture for Han, Luke and Chewie to stop. I take hold of Zach's shoulders.

"What is it, Zach?" I ask him. He shakes his head, trying to push me away, but I keep hold of him. "What is the matter?" 

"We sent them to Alderaan. To wait for you and the plans. They met up with Bail and..." he says solemnly. "We had no time to warn them." He bites his lip. "It was all my fault."

He pauses, breathing shakily. "They were so young, Nat," he whispers. "So young. They didn't deserve that life."

"No, Zach, listen to me," I say, placing a hand on his cheek. I lower my voice to a whisper. "You couldn't have predicted Alderaan's destruction, none of us could. And none of us chose this life. It was thrust upon us. They will be remembered for doing the right thing."

"There's only one thing we can do now; rescue the Princess and deliver the plans safely to the Rebellion," I say as I straighten up and come away from him. "Are you ready?"

"Are you?" he retorts, smiling sadly.

I shake my head, smiling back. "No, but when has that ever stopped us before?"

I pat his shoulder and he gives me a sad smile, looking towards the floor. We continue to walk to the Detention Block, and I glance at Zach from time to time to make sure he's okay. He tries to shake it off by changing the subject.

"You know Motti's become even more arrogant since they destroyed Alderaan?" he mocks loudly, trying to lift suspicion from passing Officers as we march down the corridors. "He believes he can rule the galaxy."

"The whole galaxy with the face of Admiral Motti?" I laugh, looking over to him. "Call me 'old-fashioned' but I prefer things as they are."

I return my gaze forward to see Evan walking towards us, his mop of usually wild blonde hair pushed back against his scalp.

"Captain Hawkins! What a pleasure it is to see you," Zach addresses, and Evan nods at him.

"There you are!" he breathes, turning and walking alongside Zach and I. He glances over his shoulder at Han, Luke and Chewie. "Who are they?"

"You know that hunk of junk that got caught in the tractor beam?" I whisper, raising my eyebrows at him, and he nods. "They were in that. They were taking me to Alderaan."

Evan glances at them again. "They were taking you to Alderaan?" Evan asks, and I remember the Stormtrooper disguises.

"They're in the Stormtrooper uniforms," I say, looking around worriedly. "A smuggler, a farm boy, and a Wookiee. I got the droids, as requested, and they're in the command centre above Hangar 2037. And, I don't know if you remember me telling you about Leia's request for..."

"I know, I've sensed him," Evan tells me before I have a chance to mention Obi-Wan to him. "I have to give it to you Nat, that was a pretty smooth excuse to not get that hunk of junk and yourself blown up. But I don't think Vader completely bought it, not with someone like Master Kenobi on that ship."

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now