Attack of the Sand People

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I continue to head back to the speeder, taking my comlink from my belt. I pull my scarf down from my face and bring my comlink to my lips.

"Zach," I sigh, already feeling tired after being in the exhausting heat of Tatooine.

"Yes, Nat?" my brother Evan says, sounding very annoyed, and I roll my eyes.

"Where's Zach?" I ask, looking down at the dusty ground, kicking stray rocks in front of me as I walk towards the speeder.

"He got tired of your clinginess," he replies.

"If you're referring to me asking for updates about the Death Star and Princess, and in turn, me giving him updates on the situation with the stolen plans, I'd say he's a very lackadaisical spy," I smile.

"Will you stop with your big words?" my older brother complains.

"I only said he was lacking enthusiasm for the cause," I murmur, kicking another rock exceptionally far.

"Anyway, what were you going to say?" he asks, exasperated.

"Artoo is looking for Obi-Wan," I tell him as I reach my speeder, and I lean against it, looking back towards Luke's homestead.

"What?! How?" Evan demands, keen for information about our old Master.

"I don't know, I haven't seen the full message. It was stuck on a loop. I only saw it because the droids were sold to this kid, Luke, and his aunt and uncle."

"What message? Aunt and uncle? What are you talking about?"

"Artoo was captured by Jawas, along with Threepio, and they were purchased by some kid's aunt and uncle," I explain calmly. "And Leia's placed a message inside Artoo along with the plans, but it was stuck on a loop-"

I pause, thinking about it for a moment, tapping my feet against the ground.

"Oh," I say, feeling stupid, as I suddenly realise why it was looping. "Leia placed a message inside Artoo for Obi-Wan, but Artoo will only play the full message for him, so it was stuck on a continuous loop of 'Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.'"

"Maybe she's hoping Obi-Wan will take Artoo to Alderaan for her, considering he and her father, Bail Organa, share a history," Evan suggests. "I mean, they were both heavily involved in the Clone Wars, weren't they? He was a Senator for Alderaan back then, too, like Leia is now, so perhaps she's counting on that for help."

"Maybe so," I reply, looking up and staring back at the homestead. "But there's one thing I can't wrap my head around."

"And that is?"

"I know Obi-Wan played a big role in the Clone Wars - heck, he could talk for Tatooine about them and the people he fought alongside - but he's never mentioned Artoo to us at all. Perhaps Artoo only knows who Obi-Wan is because of Princess Leia, who would have told him who he was-"

I pause again in mid sentence, because it all suddenly clicks in my head.

"Nat?" my brother asks, a little worriedly. "Everything alright?"

"She would have programmed Artoo to find Obi-Wan! After all, that Blockade Runner was intercepted over Tatooine, and, of course, her father has probably mentioned him and the fact that he is in hiding here, so she made a quick decision within the midst of an assault to program Artoo to jettison an escape pod, land on Tatooine, find Kenobi and get the droids to Alderaan," I explain to both him and myself, and I smile. "Smart girl."

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now