The Empire Strikes Back

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Zach and I escort the prisoners to the Imperial ships that have survived the assault. The Officer who sneered at me now glares at me as I push him onto a Shuttle.

"You just wait," he snaps, shaking his head. "You Rebel scum."

I smile at him politely. "Why thank you," I say, a smirk poised on my lips. I turn to Zach. "Let's close up."

We wait for Pich, who is in the cockpit programming the Shuttle to take them to the nearest Star Destroyer, to come back. I glance over my shoulder to the bright sky behind me, a stark contrast to the desert below, reminding me of when I came looking for Artoo and Threepio. I look over to Tom, who is stood leaning against my ship with his arms crossed, and I give him a smile.

"Alright, they're all set," Pich calls from behind me, and I turn round to face her, giving her a nod.

We stand back and watch as the Shuttle ascends up and out of the atmosphere, away into the vastness of space.

"We'd better get back," Zach says, and our team turns and heads towards our separate ships.

I head up into the cockpit with Tom instead of staying with my squad, and I sit in the pilot's seat.

"So, did you like flying her?" I ask him as I switch on the thermal boosters and the thrust, and I wipe my forehead with the back of my hand.

"I did indeed," he replies as we lift off from the ground and I pull up the landing gear.

We reach Tarie quickly, and I land behind the ships of the Yellow Squadron. I look out in front of me to see the Yellow Squadron hugging each other and celebrating, and I watch as Zach and his team run over to them and join in. Tom pulls the helmet off and runs towards the back of the ship a the sight of Dex, and I smile as I follow him. I lower the ramp and Tom and I step out. I pause for a moment on the edge of the ramp and watch Tom run to Dex, and the two of them hug each other tightly.

However, I don't join them, and I walk off towards Ground Control, trying to find Kes so that I can ask him for permission to do what I've been waiting to do for three years.

Instead I run into Alina, which is not an inconvenience, and she hugs me tightly.

"I did it!" she yells cheerfully. "I did it! I flew a ship! I shot down a TIE fighter!"

I smile at her enthusiasm. "You did great, Alina. You were incredible." I pause, taking my eyes off her, looking for Kes again.

"Are you going now?" she asks quietly before I can say anything else, interrupting my train of thought.

I look down at her, only to find her looking up at me with sad and seemingly desperate eyes. I feel my heart aching for her, and I know if I leave, she'll be alone. Sure, she has Zach, Dex and the rest of them, but I'm like her older sister. Her inspiration. Heck, she even wears her hair like I wear mine.

I kneel down in front of her, looking up at her with apologetic eyes. "I have to. You saw when Obi-Wan came to me. You heard what he said. He asked me to watch over Luke." I pause again, sighing heavily. There hasn't been a day since the Battle of Yavin where I haven't thought about him. I've nearly forgotten what he looks like. "He needs guidance. If not, he could turn to the dark side, and I've left it far too long already."

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now