The Trap

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Zach doesn't respond to anything I've said, and instead stares past me out at the city, a slight frown on his face. Although I tried not to leave out a single detail, I didn't tell him that Darth Vader is Luke's father, because if Luke himself - according to my father - can't know yet, then neither can anyone else.

"Well?" I say rather loudly, trying to draw his attention back to me. "What's your opinion on all this malarkey?"

"Quite frankly... I don't have one," he replies after a moment, and I roll my eyes and huff at him as he looks back over to me.

"Really? The hallucinations, the visions, oh, and the fact that I got with the guy that you seemed to utterly despise, and you don't have an opinion?" I retort. "Am I talking to Zachary Nicholson, or not?"

"Hey, in all honesty I couldn't care less that you and Luke are suddenly 'a thing'," he snaps at me, causing me to frown at him in disgust. He sighs and shakes his head, running a hand through his thick, brown curls. "I didn't mean it like that, alright? What I meant was... I've come to realise that it doesn't matter who makes you happy, because that's what you deserve to be after what you've been through."

I raise my eyebrows at his sudden maturity. Maybe Leia smacked some sense into him in our time apart. It certainly wouldn't surprise me. "What's suddenly changed in you?"

He shrugs at me. "Just had time to think about it, I guess. And it made me realise that I shouldn't care that much."

"Aww, isn't that sweet," I sneer sarcastically, smirking at him, and he shakes his head at me. "But seriously, though, what do you think this could all mean?"

"Right, let's break it down," he says, running a hand through his hair again. "Us during a raid, that makes sense. The last one I can recall was about a month ago, wasn't it?"

I nod. "I think it was perhaps to get me thinking of you and everyone from the Black Hawks."

He nods back at me. "Familiarity can make you lower your defences." He pauses and sighs heavily. "I have no explanation for you falling down the shaft in the Death Star. It could mean the same thing as the first one - it is a familiar location - but it could also be an 'alternate reality' of sorts."

"Like if Luke and I never made it across the chasm during our escape on the Death Star?" I ask, frowning at him.

"Precisely. Right, now onto the third location... I reckon that was a premonition of the future."

"That's what I thought, even though it was during a battle," I tell him. "Of course, this war could go on seemingly forever if we never defeat the Empire, but even if we do and a 'New Republic' is established, I don't think it would prevent any further wars form taking place. You know how stupid human beings are when it comes to things like that. We never learn, we never have, and we never will."

"But what about the voice screaming 'Rey'?" Zach questions, and I shake my head and shrug. "Okay, we'll leave that for now. Moving onto the fourth segment; you said something about an argument between two people, one of whom was called Anakin."

Even though what he's just said is true, I attempt to brush it off. What I must have heard was Anakin's complete turn to the dark side, and his transition into Darth Vader, and I'm going to keep that truth to myself until Luke finds out who his father really is.

"Yeah, I don't really know what that was all about," I lie. "Our parents would probably know the answer..."

He purses his lips and gives me a sad smile. "Well, I guess that's about it. I don't really have anything else to bring to the table, as your explanation for Evan being inside Vader's helmet made sense. Heck, any one of us could have been there."

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now