Mos Eisley

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We speed across the desert, approaching Mos Eisley quickly. I glance over to Luke, just to check that he's okay, and find him staring straight ahead with that same look of determination on his face.

"Are you alright?" I ask him, knowing full well what he's going through, and he nods a silent reply. "Well, if it all gets a bit much, I'm right here."

He smiles sadly and looks over to me for a moment. "Thank you," he says quietly, and I smile back at him.

We reach Mos Eisley and begin to make our way through the crowded streets. My face falls as I spot Stormtroopers - well, Sandtroopers to be more precise - lining the streets and stopping vehicles. A group spots us and waves us over.

"Luke," I murmur, catching his attention and nodding over to the Sandtroopers.

"Oh no," he says as they become more persistent in their waving, practically demanding for us to go over to them. I pull the hood of my robe up, not wanting to be discovered.

"Leave it to me," Obi-Wan says, also pulling his hood up.

The speeder is stopped amidst the crowded street by several Sandtroopers. They look towards Threepio and Artoo.

"How long have you had these droids?" one of them asks Luke sternly.

"About three or four seasons," he replies, trying to sound confident. 

"They're up for sale if you want them," Obi-Wan adds, and I smile. I know where this is going.

"Let me see your identification," the Sandtrooper demands.

Luke goes to fumble for his I.D, but Obi-Wan waves his hand subliminally.

"You don't need to see his identification," he says, a slight smirk on his face.

"We don't need to see your identification," the Sandtrooper tells Luke, who looks up at him in confusion.

"These aren't the droids you're looking for," Obi-Wan continues.

"These aren't the droids we're looking for," the Sandtrooper tells his allies.

"He can go about his business."

"You can go about your business," the Sandtrooper says, turning back to Luke.

I turn to Luke, glancing up at the Sandtrooper as I do. "Move along," I tell him.

"Move along," the Sandtrooper repeats, waving his hand, signalling for us to go. I smile in achievement. "Move along."

Luke pulls away from them, heading towards a rundown, blockhouse cantina on the outskirts of the spaceport.

"Nice job, Master," I say quietly to Obi-Wan as we park outside, amidst other speeders and a resting Dewback. A Jawa walks over and strokes the hood of the speeder.

"I can't abide those Jawas. Disgusting creatures!" Threepio scoffs from behind us as Luke jumps out of the speeder.

"Go on, go on," Luke says, shooing the Jawa away, and it grunts at him, irritated.

I climb out and turn to help Artoo and Threepio out of the speeder, wiping my forehead with the back of my hand.

"I can't understand how we got by those troops. I thought we were dead," Luke continues to say, coming over to me and helping lower Artoo to the ground.

"The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded," I tell him, helping Threepio out, and he nods at me.

Luke turns to the cantina. "Do you really think we're going to find a pilot here that will take us to Alderaan?"

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now