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We enter the garage, only to find Threepio and Artoo nowhere in sight, causing me to frown to myself. Luke takes a small remote from his belt, which is similar to the remotes the Jawas use to control their captives, and activates it. A low hum fills the garage.

Threepio lets out a small yell and pops up from behind the Skyhopper, causing Luke and I to jump. 

"What are you doing hiding back there?" Luke asks.

Threepio stumbles forward, and Artoo still hasn't appeared. "It wasn't my fault, sir. Please don't deactivate me. I told him not to go but he's faulty, malfunctioning," Threepio explains.

Luke looks at him in confusion, but I know exactly what he's talking about.

"Kept babbling on about his mission!"

"Oh no!" Luke exclaims, running back outside. I watch Threepio as he shuffles forward before I follow Luke.

I find him stood with electrobinoculars pressed to his eyes, surveying the flat desert surrounding the homestead, searching frantically for Artoo.

"That R2 unit has always been a problem," Threepio complains, and to be honest, I can't blame him. I do like Artoo, but even I can agree that he can be reckless.

"These astro-droids are getting quite out of hand. Even I can't understand their logic at times," Threepio continues.

"Artoo!" I yell, cupping my hands around my mouth, wondering if he'll respond to me, someone he knows and trusts. "Where are you? Artoo!"

"It's no use Nat, he's nowhere in sight," Luke says, sighing in dismay as he lowers his electrobinoculars. "Blast it!"

"Pardon me, sir, but couldn't we go after him? " Threepio asks, and I hold out my hand for his electrobinoculars, and he passes them to me. 

"It's too dangerous with all the Sand People around. We'll have to wait until morning," Luke explains as I too survey the surrounding desert, only to find no sign of Artoo, and I sigh to myself. "How could I be so stupid to take his restraining bolt off?" Luke asks himself.

"It's not your fault," I say as I take the electrobinoculars from my eyes, attempting to make him feel better, and I sigh again after a moment in frustration, annoyed that I didn't stick to my original plan and just steal the droids. It would have been much easier. "You don't know what Artoo's like yet," I add. 

He turns to me. "Do you?"

I nod, giving him his electrobinoculars back. "Isn't that right, Threepio?"

The golden droid looks at me, and then throws his shoulders and head back in a comical fashion as he realises who I am. "Oh, my! General Hawkins! What a pleasure it is seeing you again!"

"Threepio!" I scold, rolling my eyes at him. Thanks for blowing my cover as an everyday and inconspicuous Rebel, Threepio.

"General?!" Luke exclaims in disbelief. He looks between the two of us, narrowing his eyes. "How do you know each other?"

"He's popped by my convoy a couple of times," I lie, nodding towards Threepio. "And brought trouble to it, as is usually the case with this one."

Luke smiles at me.

"You better watch yourself, Luke. You think Artoo's a handful," I continue, smiling too and nudging him with my elbow playfully. "This one's the real problem."

"That reminds me!" Threepio gasps suddenly, causing Luke and I to laugh, as he hasn't really been listening to us. "Did you manage to fix your hyperdrive after the Battle of D'Qar?"

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now