The Force

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I open my eyes, my head pounding, to the dim light coming through a window. I look around the small hovel of a home, which is cluttered with desert junk. But I still gain a feeling of comfort and security, and I feel at home. I hear some whirring and look up to see a dirty gold figure sat next to me. 

I sit up too quickly, and hiss in pain, my hand shooting to the back of my head, my robe falling off me.

"Oh, you're awake," Obi-Wan says, taking his eyes away from Luke, who is busy fixing Threepio's arm. "I've heard from young Luke here that you haven't been overly lucky with the Sand People recently."

"He saved me the first time," I murmur, squinting, my head still in pain. I rub my eyes, my left hand brushing over the wound on my face. It suddenly occurs to me that Luke must have shot the Raider that attacked me, carried me to his speeder, and then carried me in here, and the thought makes my cheeks heat up. "...And again, actually," I add after a moment.

"Now we're even," Luke says, looking up at me for a second before going back to fixing Threepio's arm. "And... I don't think we've really been properly introduced."

"Mmm..." I hum in agreement. I reach over Threepio, my hand outstretched in the universal symbol of friendship. "Hello, I'm Natalie Hawkins," I say, smirking.

He takes one of his hands off of Threepio and heartily shakes my hand. "Luke Skywalker," he replies, smiling sheepishly.

Skywalker... Skywalker? That name sounds familiar, and I squint in confusion as I take my hand away from his.

"Oh, and..." Luke begins, reaching into his pocket. "I found this."

And he pulls out my comlink.

"My comlink!" I exclaim, happy to see it. Which is strange; I'm happy about seeing a piece of technology again. He passes it to me and I check it over. "Where did you find this?"

"I found it when Uncle Owen told me to fix your speeder," he says as I switch it on, making sure it still works. "And you rushed off last night before I could give it to you."

I think about last night, and to be honest, I didn't just rush off; he told me to get out. But I don't really want to start and argument, so I leave it, and place my comlink on my belt. I look towards the table and see a cup of water, and I lean forward and take it, sipping it. The cool water immediately helps soothe my headache, and I smile in satisfaction.

"I was just telling Luke about his father fighting in the wars," Obi-Wan tells me, which changes the subject, much to my relief.

"But my father didn't fight in the wars! He was a navigator on a spice freighter," Luke says, going back to fixing Threepio's arm as I place the cup down.

"That's what your uncle told you," Obi-Wan retorts, raising an eyebrow a Luke, and this causes me to smile. "He didn't hold with your father's ideals. Thought he should have stayed here and not gotten involved."

"You fought in the Clone Wars?" Luke asks out of disbelief.

"Yes," Obi-Wan smiles, nodding. "I was once a Jedi Knight the same as your father."

Then his face suddenly falls, and he brings his hand to his mouth and leans back in his chair, thinking deeply.

"I wish I'd known him," Luke says sadly, taking a break from fixing Threepio's arm. I feel my own face fall, and I feel bad for him. My father may not be alive, but at least I had the pleasure of knowing him. Luke didn't even have that.

"He was the best star-pilot in the galaxy," Obi-Wan says, happily reminiscing on times before the Empire. "And a cunning warrior. I understand you've become quite a good pilot yourself."

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now