Jabba's Palace

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"Do you know your way around in here?" I ask Lando shakily as the huge door screeches shut behind us. It slams to the floor, sending an echo throughout the hallway, shutting out the light and leaving us in a musty darkness.

"Yeah, Han and I visited quite a few times," he replies. "We know Jabba well."

"And you really think this is going to work?" I continue a little snappily. "It doesn't seem as if you're on his good side, at all."

"It'll be fine," he snaps back.

There's a stiff grunt, and we're faced suddenly by two tall, porcine-like creatures covered in green skin, and armour-plated leather clothing. They're hideous monsters, with a paunchy body and flabby jowls and an upturned nose covered in snot and saliva, with large tusks and teeth, horns sticking out of their foreheads. They scan us with their beady, black eyes, wielding axes in their large, flabby hands, and I look to Lando for help.

"Nothing out there," he says, his chin held high, and I shake my head at him as the two creatures snort and waddle off.

"You're loving this, aren't you?" I say, raising an eyebrow at him from behind the bones of the helmet and the face wrap.

"And you're an expert in going undercover, are you?"

I have to bite my tongue on that, have to stop myself from going on and retorting with 'Well, as a matter of fact, Calrissian, that was my posting within the Rebellion for a good three years and never did I just sell out anyone for my own safety, I'll have you know'. The mission's too important for that. Instead, I respond with, "Just try not to make it too obvious."

The hallway echoes with robotic clunking, and is followed by deep yelling in a robotic voice.

"Tee chuta hhat yudd!"

It's followed by a startled yelp, in an all too recognisable voice. "Goodness gracious me!"

"Threepio!" I hiss, heading back towards the door, and I hear Lando sigh.

"They've sent them already?" he complains.

"The sooner the better. We've got to let them in," I say, ignoring his complaints as I search for the controls to the door in the dim light. I throw my hand up in distaste at the large metal door. "Where's the bloody controls for this thing?"

"Artoo Detoowha bo Seethreepiowha... ey toota... mischka, Jabba du Hutt," I hear Threepio say nervously as I continue looking for the controls.

"I couldn't blast them even if I wanted to," I murmur to Lando, annoyed that I left my blaster and lightsaber behind.

There's a menacing robotic laugh, and then a clunk, and Lando and I stop and listen.

"They're not gonna let them in, we've gotta do something," I say, feeling around on the wall and finally finding the control panel. I smile to myself, and yank up on the switch, making the door lift with an earsplitting screech once again.

The hallway is flooded with light, and Artoo quickly starts forward into the gloom, Threepio whining as he chases after his stubby little counterpart.

"Artoo, wait! Oh, dear. Artoo, Artoo I really don't think we should rush it!" he wails. "Oh, Artoo! Artoo, wait for me!"

I flick the switch to lower the door again and go to rush over to them, but Lando grabs my arm and pulls me back to him, holding me to his chest.

"Get off!" I complain, yanking my arm free. "Get off!"

"Sh!" he hisses, pushing me back into the wall. "There're Gamorrean guards there. Look."

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now