Finding Peace

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I open my eyes, and lay blinking and looking around groggily for a few seconds before I push myself up from the bunk. I look down beside me to find Luke gone, and I frown to myself. I stand, splash my face clean, twist my hair into a plait and get changed into a simple black vest, black combat trousers and black boots.

I sit back down on the edge of the bunk, just thinking about the conversations I had last night, both which made me realise my true feelings for Luke.

The only problem is, and I know Zach said something about Han and Leia, but, I'm not sure if Luke loves Leia the way I love him, and the last thing I want to do is come between them if they truly love each other. It wouldn't surprise me. I've been gone for three years. Anything could have happened during that time, and I have no way of knowing. So instead of calling for Luke and telling him how I truly feel, I attempt to make my feelings for him subside.

I walk out of the living quarters, pulling the bandage off of my left arm to find the wound from the Wampa attack partially healed, and I discard it in a small crate used for waste. I kneel down in front of Artoo and tap his head.

"Hey, Artoo," I say softly, not wanting to startle him. He's still filthy. Maybe I'll get a chance to clean him up a bit today.

A red light illuminates on his face, and he swivels his head round to face me, bleeping fondly, and I smile at him.

"Yes, you are still in a right state," I smirk.

I turn to look in some of the crates and find Luke coming down from the cockpit.

"What are you doing hiding away up there?" I ask, raising an eyebrow as I pick up a rag, a can of oil and a tin of polish, trying to make casual conversation.

"Just thinking," he replies with a shrug. "Oh, and there was a transmission from some guys called Dex and Tom."

"Oh no," I sigh out loud, knowing full well what they're like. "They didn't say anything inappropriate or awful, did they? Because if they did, you should just ignore it. They're very vulgar."

He shakes his head. "Not at all. They were just wandering how you're doing."

I nod, frowning. "Why didn't you wake me up? I wouldn't have minded."

He shrugs again and looks away sheepishly. "You seemed so peaceful, which I know is rare for you, and I couldn't bring myself to disturb you."

"Oh," I say quietly, looking back to Artoo. "Thank you. And thank you for what you said last night, too. I don't think you realise how much I needed to hear that."

"That's okay," he says, smiling at me as he walks past me and lowers the ramp, as if it's not a big deal.

I bite my lip, frowning to myself as I stare at Artoo, and I listen to him walk out of my ship. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, building up the courage to say what I'm about to say next.

"Hey, Luke!" I call after a moment, throwing my supplies back into the crate and jumping up from kneeling in front of Artoo, who bleeps at me angrily.

"I'll clean you later, okay?" I hiss, following Luke down the ramp, and being especially careful not to slip up on the mud.

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now