The Sarlacc Pit

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The wind whips through my short hair as the skiff I'm standing on hurtles through across the Dune Sea, flanked by Jabba's obnoxiously large sail barge and the other skiff, all heading for this so-called Sarlacc. The wind is a pleasant contrast to the hot sun beating down on my face, making me sweat under the layers of the palace guard disguise. 

Squinting in the light of the twin suns, I catch Lando's eyes from behind his helmet, and give him a subtle nod as I turn my attention to Luke, Chewie and Han who are standing beside me, the four of us held captive by the other guards with spears watching us intently. 

My mind wanders for a moment, and I stare up at the large, rusted-brown sail barge with the red sails and the loud, electronic music blaring from every crevice, and I try to picture Leia, Artoo and Threepio, who are still stuck serving the grotesque Hutt. I just hope they're okay. 

"I think my eyes are getting better," Han speaks up, drawing my attention back to them, and I find him also squinting in the bright sunlight, trying to make sense of his surroundings. "Instead of seeing a big dark blur, I see a big light blur."

I smirk at him. "To be honest, there's nothing to see."

Luke smiles at this too. "Yeah, Nat and I used to live here, you know."

"You're gonna die here, you know," Han replies, the three years frozen in carbonite doing nothing to stop his sarcastic comments, and he shrugs at us. "Convenient."

I watch Luke roll his eyes, glancing towards Lando and the other skiff guards. "Just stay close to Chewie and Lando," he whispers to Han. "I've taken care of everything."

"Oh," Han says, nodding and smiling sarcastically. "Great!"

Our group falls silent once again as I huff to myself, and the skiffs and the sail barge slow, the convoy moving up over a huge sand pit. The sail barge parks itself over one side of the depression, as does the other skiff, though ours moves directly over the centre. 

I take a careful step forward to lean over the side of the skiff and peer down into the hole, and I immediately frown in disgust. Situated at the bottom of the sand pit is a repulsive, mucus-lined hole, surrounded by thousands of jagged, needle-sharp teeth, protruding at odd angles from the fleshy walls, with thick, pink tentacles tracing over the sand, looking for a victim. 

I let out an audible gasp, Han blinking rapidly to try and see what's waiting for us. 

"What is it?" he asks, and I swallow, not knowing how to respond. 

"Er... You ever seen a Rathtar's mouth?" I reply, frowning down at the grotesque, squealing creature.

The music and chatter from the sail barges suddenly fades into the quiet of the desert, and Threepio's voice can be heard over the loudspeakers instead. 

"Victims of the almighty Sarlacc," he begins, and I catch his golden body glinting from one of the open shutters on the sail barge. "His Excellency hopes you will die honourably. But should any of you wish to beg for mercy, the great Jabba the Hutt will now listen to your pleas."

I snort to myself, raising my eyebrows. "'Beg for mercy' my arse," I scoff, flicking my short fringe from my eyes and glaring up at Threepio through the shutters.

"Threepio!" Han shouts angrily from behind me, arrogance in his voice. "You tell that slimy piece of worm-ridden... filth, that he'll get no such pleasure from us!"

He pauses for a moment, Chewie growling too. I feel an elbow in my back. "Right?"

I nod, Chewie howling in agreement, and I smirk to myself once again. Still staring at the barge, I catch Artoo's silver body moving up to the railing on the upper deck, aliens shouting at us in unknown tongues. 

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now