Jedi Master Yoda

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I watch patiently as Luke continues to set up a small camp, glancing around at the foreboding forest worriedly. I open one of the food parcels and empty out what can only be described as flaky oats into a tin. I add some cold water from the jerrycan and mix it together with a spoon, grimacing at the thick, lumpy mixture.

"So, how have you been for the last three years?" Luke asks me all of a sudden, trying to make a conversation to replace the silence. 

"Oh, you know," I say vaguely, eating a mouthful of food and struggling to swallow it. "Alright."

"It's just Leia said something about you liberating Tatooine," he says, sitting beside me on the box and shrugging at me as he does so. 

"The Empire was using some of the small settlements as bases," I explain, eating another mouthful of the oats. "We think they were hoping to take the planet in order to try and siege the Outer Rim territories, and of course, we couldn't have that." 

He nods along as he opens the container he's holding, revealing a tray of processed food. 

"What about you, Commander?" I ask with a smirk, and he smiles sheepishly. "From the way Leia kissed you, I'd say you two 'hit it off', as it were." 

"No..." he murmurs, Artoo whistling in the background in disagreement, and I smile at him. 

"Hey, if that's the way it goes, then that's the way it goes. I'm used to it, anyway. I've lived next door to Tom and Dex for the past three years," I say, eating a third mouthful of the food, only to give up once it reaches the back of my throat. I grimace again at the texture and taste, forcing myself to swallow it, but then I dump the tin on the floor in frustration.

"That is gross," I snap, taking a large swig of the water from the jerrycan to try and get rid of the stale taste. I shiver at the cold, the temperature having dropped since I changed, my damp hair probably not helping the matter. 

"I just need to grab something," I say, standing up and heading into my ship. I go into the living quarters, looking for a something warm, and I pick up my yellow leather jacket. I pull it on as I walk back down the ramp.

Luke looks up from his tray of food to find me wearing his jacket, and I watch as his cheeks turn red in the dim light of our camp. "That's mine," he says quietly, staring at me and frowning.

"Not anymore," I smile, showing off my medal, rank plaque, and the patch showing the symbol of the Black Hawks that Pich stitched onto the right shoulder. She also tailored it to fit me better.

He smiles back, and offers the tray to me, and I gladly take a piece of food, eating it hungrily. We sit in silence, eating the processed food and looking around at the odd environment, listening carefully to the strange noises coming from within the forest.

"You know, this is a strange place to find a Jedi Master," Luke says to me after a moment, and I look over to him. "This place gives me the creeps."

Artoo bleeps in agreement, and I nod. "I know what you mean," I reply, looking down and swatting a bug off of my hand.

"Still... There's something familiar about this place..." Luke murmurs, and again, I agree with him. Ever since we've arrived I've had this weird feeling of nostalgia and comfort, though it could just be because I've been reunited with him after so long. 

I watch as he looks around cautiously, placing his hand on his blaster, and I frown at him.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

He sighs and places the tin of food down on a nearby crate, shaking his head. "I don't know... I just feel like-"

"Feel like what?" a strange and croaky voice says from behind us, and we whip round, Luke pointing his blaster at a small, green creature. It shields its face from us, cowering while I frown at it in confusion. It's no higher than two feet tall, it's dressed in a robe that's falling apart, and it's holding a battered stick in its claws to suffice for a cane.

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now