Cloud City and Lando Calrissian

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I come out of hyperspace right beside the gas giant Bespin, and I begin to descend into its atmosphere, initiating a transmission with Han as I navigate my way through the huge, billowing clouds that almost form a perfect canyon in the sky. Everything coloured in a shade of either soft pink or warm orange, and it is a truly beautiful sight after the muggy darkness of Dagobah. 

"Hey, Nat," Zach answers, pulling my attention away from the breathtaking sight of dawn on Bespin. "We're just entering the atmosphere now. Whereabouts are you?"

"Waiting for you, as always. Honestly Han, that ship is nowhere near as fast as you boast," I say, a smile crossing my lips. 

Han grumbles something to himself in the background, and Chewie groans loudly, seemingly in agreement. 

My scanner beeps rapidly, and I look at my scope to see the Falcon approaching on my screen. 

"Oh, Miss Hawkins!" Threepio exclaims as the Falcon comes into view, and begins to fly alongside me as we continue our descent. "I have had the most dreadful time."

"I'd love to hear all about it, Threepio, and I'm sure you're bound to make it as exhilarating as ever," I sigh, but then my attention turns to Han's supposed 'friend'. "So, Han, how are we supposed to find this friend of yours?"

"I'm trying to get hold of him," he murmurs in response, causing me to roll my eyes at his lack of planning. 

"So what you're telling me is that he has no idea that we're coming?" I snap, and my scanner begins to beep, indicating more incoming ships. I look up and find two twin-pod orange cloud cars banking towards our ships, and they draw up alongside us, one on my left and the other on the Falcon's right. 

"No, I don't have a landing permit," I hear Han say after a moment, sounding rather annoyed. "I'm trying to reach Lando Calrissian."

"To the occupants of the TSR P.1127, do you have a landing permit?" a monotonous voice asks over my radio. 

"No, and I'm trying to reach Lando Calrissian, too," I reply, watching the cockpit of the Falcon warily. "I'm with the group in the Corellian YT-1300 light freighter."

Flak bursts outside my window, and my ship shudders violently. "Hey!" I snap, glaring at the cloud car and the guards inside it from my cockpit. "You watch where you fire those guns of yours, mister."

"Woah! Wait a minute! Let me explain!" Han demands. 

"You will not deviate from your present course," the monotonous voice continues over my radio, and I hear it from the cockpit of the Falcon, too. 

"Rather touchy, aren't they?" Threepio comments, making me smile. 

"I thought you knew this person," Leia huffs. 

"Yeah, Han," I add. "What gives, huh?"

Chewie barks and growls at Han, also clearly annoyed. 

"Well, that was a long time ago. I'm sure he's forgotten about that," Han says in response to his furry companion. 

"Is there anyone left in this galaxy left for you to swindle, Solo?" I ask, an edge to my voice. 

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now