The Trash Compactor

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I land in a room filled with garbage right next to Luke, who's trying to stand amidst twisted metal. I look over to Leia, and find her doing exactly the same thing.

"Are you alright?" he asks, and I nod. He offers me his hand and I take it, and he pulls me up next to him.

"Do you know a way out?" he asks me, not letting go of my hand.

I shake my head as I look around the small, brown room, wiping my other hand on my tunic. "This is a job for maintenance and sanitation. I've never operated one of these."

I look over to Chewbacca, who's thumping the hatch with his fists and howling.

"I doubt that's doing any good, Chewie," I tell him.

Luke lets go of my hand and aims his blaster at the hatch. "Stand back," he warns and he fires at the door. The laserbolt doesn't penetrate or blast the door open; it ricochets wildly around the small metal room. We all dive for cover in the garbage as the bolt explodes in a nearby pile, almost hitting me in the process.

"Well, looks like that isn't going to work," Luke mumbles, embarrassed, and Han comes tumbling down the chute into the garbage pile.

"Ah!" he groans as he lands. He glares at Leia. "The garbage chute was a really wonderful idea! What an incredible smell you've discovered!"

Leia glares back at him, attempting to move through the dense pile of rubbish. I climb down from the large pile I was stood on and grimace as I land in knee-high, rust-coloured water.

"Get away from there!" Han yells at Chewie. He pulls his blaster from his belt and aims it at the hatch.

"No! Wait!" I warn him, but he doesn't listen, and fires at the hatch.

Luke grabs me and pulls me down into the garbage with him as we duck for cover from the ricocheting laserbolt.

"Will you forget it?" Luke yells at Han after the bolt explodes. "I already tried it, it's magnetically sealed!"

"Put that thing away!" Leia adds. "You're going to get us all killed."

Luke helps me up again, and I decide to ditch my cape, which has become sodden and filthy.

"Absolutely, Your Worship," Han retorts as I unfasten my cape from my shoulders and discard it in the trash pile. "Look, I had everything under control until you led us down here!"

"Stop arguing!" I shout at them. "It's not going to take them long to figure out what happened to us."

"It could be worse..." Leia murmurs as the five of us look for some sort of exit.

We stop as a loud and horrible inhuman moan fills the room, and we freeze in place. Luke, Han and I stand with our blasters drawn, ready to fight. I look back to find Leia confused and Chewie cowering by the walls.

"It's worse," Han states, and I roll my eyes.

"There's something alive in here," Luke tells us, looking down into the water.

I shove my blaster back into its holster and dismiss his comment. "That's your imagination."

"Something just moved past my leg!" he says, looking down into the murky water. I look too and see it rippling slightly. "Look! Did you see that?"

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now