The Battle of Hoth

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I turn round in my seat to get a good look at what we're heading towards, and see around half a dozen AT-ATs lumbering towards Echo Base. 

"Alright, guys," Luke addresses us, and I turn around in my seat again, breathing deeply and flicking switches on the dash. "Keep tight now."

"Luke, I have no approach vector!" Luke's gunner tells him, sounding extremely distressed. "I'm not set!"

"Steady, Dack," Luke replies calmly. "Attack pattern delta. Go now!"

I cover my mouthpiece with my hand. "Wedge," I say quietly to my pilot. "What does that mean exactly?"

I feel him shrug in his seat, and I laugh to myself as Wedge and another pilot speed past one of the colossal Imperial Walkers. 

"Alright, I'm coming in," Luke announces confidently, and I look around for his ship. I watch as he dives down towards a walker, firing at it and flying through its legs before he banks away from it. 

As we speed past the first, and seemingly largest, walker, I sense General Veers on board, and immediately think of Tom. 

"Echo Base," I say into my mic as Wedge and I speed over the desolate plain. "Echo Base, is Major Tom there?"

"Right here, Nat," Tom replies. "What's wrong?"

I take a deep breath. "Your brother's here."

I wait for him to reply, and part of me regrets telling him. 

I hear him clear his throat. "Okay," he says after a moment. 

"I just thought you should know," I murmur sadly. 

"Hobbie, Wedge, you still with me?" Luke asks, drawing my attention back to the battle, and I grip my controls tightly. 

"I copy, Rogue Leader," Wedge says as we fly alongside him. 

The three of them open fire on a walker, and I can't help but feel useless stuck back here, and I sigh to myself in frustration. I turn and watch as the laserbolts hit the front window on the walker, but the explosion dissipates and no harm is done, and the speeders roar over the walker. 

"That armour's too strong for blasters!" Luke huffs angrily. 

"Not if you can incapacitate them it isn't," I tell him as I watch the the walkers carefully, studying their attack pattern. "The Empire want us to think those machines are indestructible. Trust me, they aren't."

"Alright, Nat," he says. "Rogue Group, get ready to start another run."

The group swerves round, heading for the walkers once again. 

"Use your harpoons and tow cables," he continues. "Go for the legs. It might be our only chance of stopping them."

"That oughta do it," I assure him, gripping the controls for my harpoon gun. 

"Alright, stand by, Dack," Luke says to his gunner. 

"Luke, we've got a malfunction in fire control," Dack replies. "I'll have to cut the auxilary."

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now