Attack on Skadi

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It takes a moment for our squad to regroup, taking cover behind the mud hut on the edge of the forest.

"This is madness," Joanna snaps angrily.

Jasper lets go of me and steadies me, a hand still firmly on my shoulder. "Have the Juggernaughts arrived yet?" he asks, earning shrugs from the rest of us. He huffs, pulling his helmet off to run a hand through his curly brown hair. "Great," he grunts, yanking his helmet back onto his head.

Just then, two Juggernaughts come rolling through the centre of the town up a path through the trees, the huge wheels lurching the body of the transport over the rough terrain.

"Right, we need to formulate a plan to defend this town and get these people out," I say to them all.

No one has time to contemplate or answer, though, as TIEs swoop low overhead, laserfire raining down on us, and we all duck for cover once again.

"What exactly did you have in mind, General?" Cho asks me as she helps her twin sister up from the dirt.

"Head north, get the civilians out, and stop the Empire from advancing any further than they already have," I say breathlessly, straightening my helmet.

"Let's get going, then!" Jasper calls, heading round behind the mud hut, using it and the treeline as a form of cover.

The town itself seems to be situated within a clearing, a long, wide path cutting right through the centre, much like Tarie back home.

I can still hear other squads notifying us of their arrival over the radio in my helmet.

"Squad Five-Five to Skadi."

"Squad Nine-Three, you got numerous TIEs coming in and transport shuttles heading for town."

Imperial troops can't be far from landing, then. I peer round the edge of the hut, squinting towards the centre of the town. People are running towards us, some carrying belongings. Parents drag their children behind them or grasp them tightly in their arms as they sprint for their lives, having to throw themselves out of the way of the Juggernaughts rumbling through the centre of the town. Behind them I can see the Imperial ships descending from the grey sky, and my heart drops.

This is a disaster, this operation is chaos. What real use are we here right now?

"It's a military operation, nothing ever goes according to plan," Zach murmurs sarcastically from beside me, having clearly read my mind, and I glance at him, shaking my head.

I let out a sigh, looking back at my squad. "Alright, we should split up. Cho, Ami, Jasper and Moroff, we'll take the right side, the rest of you stay over here on the left, got it?"

They nod at me, and those who's names I mentioned make their way over to the edge of the hut, being careful not to get hit by the now persistent laser fire.

"We'll cover for you," Joanna says, holding her blaster at the ready and pushing back her red fringe.

I take a deep breath, making sure my allies are behind me, and then we sprint across the centre of town to the huts on the other side, Joanna and the others firing at any Stormtroopers who might be there.

Once we make it to our designated side, we begin slowly advancing, one hut after the next, checking each one for civilians and ushering those already out in the streets to cover, with Zach leading the same procedure on the left side.

"Just like Tatooine all over again?" Cho asks me with a slight smirk, and I smirk back at her.

I give her a nod as I dart inside a hut, scanning the rooms quickly for any civilians before carrying on.

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now