Free From Carbonite

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Lando and I lounge back against the walls, our eyes watching and glaring at the drunken aliens and listening to the electronic music produced by the paunchy little blue alien, whom I now know to be Max Rebo, and his band. Up on the stage, a fat female alien covered in wrinkly dark yellow skin and black spots, with spindly arms and legs, beady black eyes and a long trunk-like mouth with red puckered lips at the end, shrieks a song in Huttese along to the electronic beat. 

'Ab queck zenick fesi
Zong jup col im na hiz jal, ooh
Wa toc peg qui dos gee pif, aah
Joc jarraz bas deg zorze zot'

I roll my eyes and look down at my hands, beginning to pick at my nails, attempting to drown out her shrill voice. Around us, drunken aliens and despicable creatures shout and laugh along to the horrendous tune. 

"Ever heard Sy Snootles' magnificent vocal range before?" Lando smirks as he nods at the fat alien. 

I smirk back, glancing up at him. "Unfortunately so. She was a regular at one of the bars downtown from where I used to live. Never got a good reception."

He laughs at this, smiling and shaking his head. "Do you even know what she's going on about?"

I squint, actually making an effort to listen to the dreadful lyrics and attempt to translate them. 

'Jer wih tuster mo vey
Qui neb be og ezen on
Wok lapti nek seb not van
Goc jarraz bas deg zorze zot'

"I think it's 'my body feels excitin', my soul is synthesizin', my whole frame is jumpin', I'm workin' out and having fun''," I smile up at Lando, glancing back over at her as she moves onto the chorus. 

'Lapti nek, rat a ran wim joct co jappi qaff
Lapti nek, kiv ba ha top wep jex pi va bep'

"Yeah, she certainly looks like she's having fun," Lando comments sarcastically with a frown as he watches her move her paunchy body along to the music, nearly tripping over her pointy feet and shooting flirty glances at some of the patrons. 

I have to stifle a laugh, in no part to how ridiculous her antics on stage look. "What a load of absolute bollocks," I smirk, catching a glimpse of Boba Fett watching the scene from the corner, his hands crossed in front of him. 

My eyes then move to the poor green Twi'lek from before, who's being forced to dance around for Jabba's entertainment alongside another dancer - a heavy-set woman, also in a revealing outfit - as he jiggles his fat, flabby body to the beat of the music, his eyes growing wide. I glare around at his audience as they cheer and make rude noises towards the dancers, particularly the young Twi'lek. 

Jabba leers at the two dancers, and, with a disgusting, lustful gleam in his eyes, beckons the young Twi'lek to come to him. The sight of him licking his lips and drooling fills me with such rage that I instinctively reach for my lightsaber on my right hip, only to find it's not there. 

She catches this, and I get a horrendous feeling of dread of what might be coming her way, my mind focusing on one thing and one thing only. I cringe at the thought, crossing my legs tightly and shifting on my feet. I may have had to endure many things in the Empire, but I was lucky that I was never subjected to a horror such as that. There were rules about those sorts of things, and even if there weren't, the majority of the people I knew while there wouldn't let it happen anyway. Even they could realise it was wrong, the whole establishment was too professional for that

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now