The Black Hawks

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I lift my goggles from my eyes to get a better look at him, and he nods at me, holding his hand out for me to shake, and I do as I pull my helmet off my head.

"Nice to meet you," he smiles, shaking my hand heartily, and I smile back at him. Zach, Tom and Dex introduce themselves to Kes as well, and Dex and Evan hug each other tightly. I find myself smiling at the expression my brother has on his face. I haven't seen him this happy in years.

Evan and Kes lead the four of us to one of the adobe houses on the outskirts of my hometown. I squint at it in the afternoon sun. It's a large house, presumably owned by a fairly affluent family whom I probably knew, though I can't remember their names. In the distance I see the sun glinting off of what seem to be ships lined up by battered garages.

"Have you organsied many operations, General?" Kes asks me as we march towards the house.

"I have, though more recently, I've been a part of operations that had little to no organisation," I reply, smiling as I think of the haphazard success of infiltrating the Death Star and rescuing the Princess. "They were still a success, though," I add.

"I'm well aware. Evan was kind enough to share the details of your recent missions," Kes says, looking over to me. "You'll do very nicely as General Weaver's replacement."

He pauses for a moment, looking between me and the building we're heading towards apprehensively. "Do you have anything to signify your rank or experience?"

"Yeah," I reply, reaching into the pouch on my belt and pulling out the small silver medal and the rank plaque. "Why?"

"Some of our older members can get a bit funny about young people, especially women, having a high status or rank in the Rebellion," he tells me.

"Don't worry," I assure him as I pin my rank badge and medal to my jacket. "I've had plenty of experience with those types of people."

He smiles at me and gives me a nod, and I smile back at him.

We step inside, the air cool, the hot sun no longer burning our skin, to be met with a large group of people stood and sat around in what seems to be the living room.

The group are extremely diverse, with people of different skin tones, different genders, different ages, and even entirely different species. They have all congregated in a group who's lives are dedicated to fighting the Empire.

However, despite the diversity, the room is separated; a group of old, white men are on one side of the room, stood or seated around a battered, stone table, talking loudly, while the others previously mentioned mutter amongst each other on the other side, shooting glances at the men.

But the people who catch my attention are two tall, slim, dark-skinned girls who stare at Zach, lightsabers hanging from their belts. They're obviously twin sisters, their appearances ever so slightly different, their brown eyes and short, cropped hair virtually the same. The only thing different about them is that one of them has a scar running from her right eyebrow down to her chin.

"Zach?" they both ask at the same time.

"Cho? Ami?" he says, staring at them in disbelief and stepping forward to greet them. The three of them embrace each other. "I thought you were killed on Alderaan!"

"We sensed it," the one with the scar explains as they both come away from him. "Because, you know, we are Force sensitive, and, not only that, but we managed to pick up on the fact that the station was fully operational and on a course for Alderaan. We managed to get off the planet just in time."

I smile as I listen to her talk. I like her already. The only problem I'm going to have with them is telling them apart. Kes seems to realise this, and he leans towards me.

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now