No Moon

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"Looks like we're coming up on Alderaan," I hear Han say from the control room, and he and Chewie come walking past me, but I'm too in shock to say anything. I take a deep breath and place my comlink back onto my belt as Luke and Obi-Wan come walking out as well, smiling.

"You know, I did feel something!" Luke says excitedly. "I could almost see the remote." 

"That's good," Obi-Wan says to Luke, patting him on the shoulder. "You've taken your first step into a larger world."

But Luke stops when he sees me. "Nat, are you alright?" he asks me, looking at me in concern.

I shake my head, and my body begins to shake as the shock begins to set in. "No..."I whisper. "No, I'm not."

He suddenly pulls me into a hug, and instead of resisting, I hug him back, gladly resting my head on his shoulder. The ship suddenly begins to shudder and violently shake about.

"We've come out of hyperspace into a meteor shower!" Han yells from the cockpit, and Luke grabs my hand and drags me to the cockpit with him. "Some kind of asteroid collision. It's not on any of the charts."

I look around, and realise that I'm looking at the remnants of Alderaan. People, their lives, and their homes, reduced to chunks of rubble in space.

"What's going on?" Luke asks, not letting go of my hand as he sits down in the seat behind Chewie.  

"Our position is correct, except, no Alderaan!"

"What do you mean? Where is it?" Luke demands.

"That's what I'm trying to tell you, kid, it ain't there," Han says. "It's been totally blown away."

"What? How?" Luke asks as Obi-Wan enters the cockpit. 

"Destroyed," I tell them, still shaking slightly. "By the Empire."

"The entire Starfleet couldn't destroy the whole planet," Han argues. "It'd take a thousand ships with more power than I've..." A signal starts flashing on the control panel. "There's another ship coming in."

"Maybe they know what happened," Luke suggests. 

"They do, but they're not going to tell you," I sigh, sensing that it's a TIE fighter. 


"It's an Imperial fighter," Obi-Wan says, sitting into the last spare seat, leaving me standing between him and Luke.

Chewbacca groans in concern, and a huge explosion bursts outside the cockpit window, and an Imperial TIE fighter races past the cockpit window.

"It followed us!" Luke exclaims.

"No," I tell him. "It's only a short range fighter. Shoddy engine, no hyperdrive."

"There aren't any bases round here. Where did it come from?" Han demands.

"It sure is leaving in a big hurry. If it identifies us, we're in big trouble," Luke says worriedly, still gripping my hand tightly.

"Not if I can help it. Chewie, jam its transmissions," Han commands, flicking switches on the dash, and Chewie growls at him.

"It'd be as well to let it go," Obi-Wan says. 

"And you'll never reach it, Han," I add. "It's too far out of range."

"Not for long..." Han retorts cockily, and I roll my eyes at him as we race after the fighter.

"A fighter that small couldn't get this deep into space on its own," Obi-Wan states, staring at it.

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now