Return of the Jedi

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"Grand Moff Farran, may I ask what you're doing with this prisoner?"

My heart leaps into my throat, thumping hard and fast. Is that really who I think it is? I don't have the courage to open my eyes to check.

The Grand Moff, Farran, removes his blaster pistol from my temple, and I sense him take a step back. "Ah, my Lord, well, you see, given their involvement with this treacherous attack-"

"Who gave you the authority to execute these people effective immediately?"

It is, isn't it? I remember that snappy, whiny tone. I've know it for many years. 

Farran stutters again. "General Olev, Commander in Chief of the Reserve-"

"With all due respect, Farran, General Olev is currently being investigated under the accusation of having ties with the now executed General Voski and Colonel Phillips, and is therefore in no place to order the execution of these prisoners. I would ask you to kindly step back and let me deal with these three myself."

It is. It's Evan. I open my eyes, just to be sure, and I see him standing next to me. His hair, still shaggy, is pushed back against his scalp, and he glances down at me apologetically with his brown eyes. I knew there was good in him. 

"Yes, my Lord," Farran says, almost solemnly, and replaces his blaster to his holster. He slowly turns to the six Officers. "Stand! Resume your duties!" he barks at them angrily, the six of them complying quickly and marching down the corridor. Farran turns back to Evan, and then me. "I'll leave them with you."

"Indeed you will," Evan snaps at him through gritted teeth, gesturing for Farran to leave, and he does so. He then turns his attention to the Dex, Tom, the Major and the Stormtroopers.

The Major gives my brother a slight bow without Evan even having to speak to him, and he and the Stormtroopers march the other way down the corridor, leaving Dex and Tom standing on their own. I wonder if perhaps the Major was in on this whole plan too. Either that or he's too terrified of my brother to object. 

Evan holds down a gloved-hand to me, and I take it, and he pulls me up from the shiny black floor. I realise that this is the hand I chopped off, and I give it a squeeze. 

"Evan..." I whisper, Dex and Tom joining us. "What are you doing?"

"Saving your lives," he hisses, letting go of my hand and glancing around the corridor warily. 

"Evan, mate, are you okay?" Dex asks from beside me, and he looks back at us, his eyes wide. 

It's now that I see the state that he's in, the shock of seeing him here slowly fading. He's got deep bags under his eyes, his hair is only pushed back because it's greasy, and his cheekbones are more prominent. He's lost weight, and he looks like he's trembling. 

"What's happened to you?" I say. 

"It- doesn't matter," he says quickly, glancing around again. "Come on, there's a Shuttle I can get you out on. Authorisation code- and everything."

I raise an eyebrow wryly at him, and also in confusion. He sounds so nervous around us, stuttering throughout his sentences. "The last time I was with you, if you don't recall, was when you were begging me to come to the dark side, and you were willing to achieve what you wanted by any means possible."

He narrows his eyes at me. "That was different."

I cross my arms and jut my chin, a stupid, time-wasting protest. "How so?"

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now