Frozen Planet

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I stare at the white planet with tired and teary eyes, Alina having fallen asleep beside me, still hugging my arm.

"Well, there it is," Zach announces as the two of us begin to descend into the atmosphere. 

"It certainly looks remote," I say, looking around at the frozen wasteland as we continue our descent. It's exactly like Tatooine in terms of how deserted and vast it is, but the climate is the polar opposite. However, the white ice and snow contrasting against the bright blue sky still looks beautiful, regardless of its hostility. "Are you sure the Rebels are here?"

"That's what Evan said."

"Yeah, but if Evan knows then doesn't the Empire?" I retort, rolling my eyes. 

A loud beeping fills my cockpit, indicating an incoming transmission. 

"This is Echo Base," a woman's voice says. "We have identified your ships as not being ones associated with the Empire. State your purpose."

"We are Rebels seeking refuge from the Empire," I hear Zach answer. "May we have clearance to land?" 

I hear some muttering in the background, and I hold my breath, hoping we're approved to land. 

"You have clearance," the woman tells us. "Sending you the coordinates now."

"Thank you," I say to her as the coordinates appear on my navi computer, and Zach and I fly together towards what seems to be an enormous ice cave. 

I fly inside it, lowering my landing gear, only to find that it's a hangar filled with an assortment of ships. I swivel the thrust round and land between an X-Wing and a T-47 Airspeeder, lowering the ramp of my ship. I watch as Zach lands in a space directly in front of me. 

"Nat, you try and find Luke. Zach and I have to get Dex to a medical facility," Tom tells me hurriedly, and I watch as Zach helps Dex out from the back of his ship. "He got wounded pretty bad by some shrapnel."

"Alright, I'll see you shortly," I reply as I begin to shut down my ship. 

I turn to Alina, and pull the flying helmet from her head and give her a little shake. "Come on," I say gently, almost having to coax her out of her seat. I grab a blanket from the living quarters and wrap it around her, and the two of us head out of my ship. 

I look around the base, shivering as I do so, and the blanket around Alina is not nearly enough to protect her from the cold either. Around us, Rebels rush about unloading supplies and seemingly trying to secure their new base. I notice they're wearing thick thermal clothes, and I realise how stupid and impractical a blanket is. 

Behind me I hear a shrieking noise, and I turn to find a lizard-like creature bearing a rider. The reigns of the creature are taken by another Rebel as the rider swings off the lizard. He pulls off his goggles and pulls down his hood, shaking his head as he does so, allowing me to see his face, and my eyes widen in shock. 

"Han?" I gasp out of disbelief, staring at him.

His eyes focus on me, and he raises his eyebrows. "Natalie?" 

I run over to him, forgetting about the cold for a moment, and hug him tightly. He hugs me back, and I'm overwhelmed with joy in seeing him again. 

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now