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I land my X-Wing in the hangar behind Luke's, and the two of us are greeted by a horde of Rebel ground crew and pilots running towards us as we climb out of our fighters. We climb down our ladders and they all welcome us with laughter, cheers and shouting. Leia runs over to us, and throws her arms around Luke as I pull my helmet off and chuck it up into the cockpit of my X-Wing.

"Luke!" she exclaims, cheering as they dance around in a circle together, laughing. They let go of one another, and Luke turns to me, smiling uncontrollably.

He pulls me into a tight hug and twirls me around on the spot as he presses his face into my neck, and I grin in surprise and joy, something that hasn't happened in a long, long time. He sets me down again, and we look at each other, and for a split second, he looks as if he's going to kiss me. But then he loses his nerve as we hear shouting, and the two of us look over to see Han running towards us.

"Hey!" Han shouts. "Hey!"

He pulls the three of us into a hug, and I smile up at him.

"I knew you'd come back!" I laugh. "I just knew it!"

"Well, I wasn't gonna let you two get all the credit and take all the reward!" he smiles, playfully shoving Luke's face as the two of them smile at each other.

"I knew there was more to you than money!" Leia grins, hanging onto his left arm.

"Natalie!" I hear Zach yell, and I let go of Han, scanning the crowd for my friend.

"Zach!" I shout back.

He emerges from the crowd and jumps at me, pulling me up into his arms, kissing my cheek. When I come away from him, I immediately think of Evan.

"Is Evan alright?" I ask him.

He nods enthusiastically. "He's fine! He got out!"

I let out a sigh of relief, and I'm so relieved I nearly start crying. Zach sees this and pulls me back into a hug.

"Oh no!" Luke suddenly says, looking over to his X-Wing, and I look over too, still in Zach's arms.

Artoo, who is charred and fried, is being lifted off of the X-Wing by a mechanic. I let go of Zach and go over to see him.

"Artoo!" I call, helping the mechanic set Artoo to the ground under the worried eyes of Threepio.

"Oh my!" Threepio exclaims. "Artoo! Can you hear me? Say something!" He turns to the mechanic. "You can repair him, can't you?"

"We'll get to work on him right away," the mechanic assures him, carting Artoo off to maintenance, but Threepio still isn't satisfied.

"You must repair him!" he cries after the mechanic, waving his arms around. He turns to me, and Luke, who has appeared beside me. "If any of my circuits or gears will help, I'll gladly donate them!"

"He'll be alright," I assure him, patting his shoulder.

Luke places his arm around my shoulders and leads me down the hallway at the end of the hangar, following Leia, Han and Chewie.

"Hey Chewie!" I smile, reaching up and scratching his neck. He turns and grunts at me happily, ruffling my hair with his hairy paw.

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now