Back to the Ship

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"This way to the hangar!" Zach commands, leading us down the hallway, his blaster in hand, and I guard the rear, keeping a lookout for Stormtroopers.

I sense something around the corner we're headed towards, and I dart between Luke and Leia quickly, grabbing Zach's arm. 

"There's someone around that corner," I tell him, gesturing to it with my blaster. I put my hand up to Luke and Leia, telling them to stay where they are, and Zach and I slow down, holding our blasters out at arm's length. We round the corner quickly, only to discover that we're pointing our blasters at Darth Vader himself.

We lower them immediately and salute him.

"Lord Vader," I address, bowing my head. "I apologise for pointing my blaster at you. We were searching for the Rebels."

"General Hawkins," he replies. "I'd like to have a word with you, along with my new apprentice. Zach, leave us."

Zach glances at me worriedly before looking back to Vader. "Yes, my Lord."

He turns and leaves us, going back round the corner to Luke and Leia, hopefully to get them back to either his ship or the Falcon.

Vader gestures for me to follow him up the hallway, and I do so, placing my blaster back in its holster slowly. What's this all about? Zach said my cover had probably been blown. How come I've not been executed? Perhaps Vader doesn't know. Yet.

"Where is your tunic?" he demands.

"I went and searched the trash compactor after I heard about the Rebels being caught in it. Unfortunately, it looks as if they escaped," I explain, trying to sound as casual as possible, and just to reinforce my excuse, I gesture to my wet trousers and hair. "So I called Zach in to help me find them and well, here I am. Minus a dirty and sodden tunic."

"General Hawkins, I'd like you to meet my new apprenctice," Vader says as we round a corner. "Lance."

I stop in my tracks, and my eyes focus on the pale face of the Sith that attacked Luke and I on Tatooine.

"He is being trained to use the dark side of the Force, seeing as you, Evan and Zach are not strong enough," Vader explains, and I sigh internally.

"Well, I congratulate you Lance," I say, smiling at him. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way to look for the Rebels."

I go to walk away, but Lance stops me. "I just wanted to discuss something with you Natalie," he states monotonously. "Something about your mission."

"Of course," I say. "What is it?"

"What were you doing with that boy on Tatooine?" he sneers, his brown eyes shining.

I look over to Vader, who's looking between the two of us. "What boy?" he demands

"I was going undercover," I say to the two of them calmly, raising my eyebrows at them. But inside I'm screaming, scared to death about what they might do to Evan, Zach and I if they are to find out the truth. "I thought he may have the droids and therefore the plans, because if you know anything about Tatooine you'll know that any unoccupied droids would have been snatched up by Jawas and sold to the residents."

I pause for a moment, and they don't reply. They need a more detailed explanation, so that's exactly what I decide to give them.

"I was going undercover," I repeat. "And when I got close enough to him, I was going to kill him and his family and steal the droids."

I look into Lance's eyes. "However, you came and killed his family before I had the chance," I snap, becoming angry while simultaneously trying not to break my facade as I think of Luke's face when he saw the scorched bodies of his aunt and uncle.

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now