Operation Wolffe

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"Had any luck?" I ask Lando as I help him load supplies and equipment boxes onto the Millennium Falcon. He sighs and shakes his head.

"Unfortunately not," he replies. "I mean, I know Tatooine's a huge planet, but, are there any other places we could check? You know, just in case?"

Luke and I have been with the rendezvous for a month now. My arm's fully healed, the only thing left being a jagged scar running up the full length of it, and we've been moved to living quarters on Home One - along with our ships and all our clothes and possessions - instead of staying on the Nebulon-B, which is acting as a makeshift medical frigate. It's better here, though. We're among other troops, we socialise with them in the mess hall at meals.

And I've been relaxed as I can be, given my situaiton. Dex, Tom and I have mostly been in the hangars, along with Luke, who has become closely acquainted with the two of them.

Zach has generally stayed out of Luke's way, but that doesn't mean we never talk to or see each other, though he's been busy trying to locate Sergeant Bailey along with Voski and Edvard, as well as Philips, Jackson and Mitchell. We talk mostly about Evan and our parents, and about how we can try to contact him and communicate, in any way and using any means possible.

However, I still haven't told Luke about Evan. I can't bring myself to. He's already going through so much, and although I know he cares about me, I don't want to burden him with that too. Just another thing  for him to worry about, he doesn't deserve the stress. I just have to push forward, try to forget about it every now and then.

Apart from that, it's good. Kes, Shara, Alina and even Poe are here - they have been since the Battle of Hoth, as well as Cho and Ami. Unfortunately, Peter, Ayotunde and Zyana got trapped in the collapsing medical quarters in Echo Base, and are presumed dead, and we've mourned the loss of them dearly.

"I guess you could try the Niima Outpost on Jakku," I suggest, breaking from my train of quiet thought and loading another box into the central hold area of the Falcon, bringing myself back to reality.

"Jakku?" he repeats, screwing up his face and frowning at me. "They got a thing for desert planets, these Hutts?"

I shrug, smiling as I wipe my sweaty hands my pair of tan trousers that I've borrowed from Tom. "Seems that way."

"Right," he says, placing the last box down and clapping his hands together. "All done."

"Aren't you going to stay?" I ask him, and he shakes his head.

"It'd be nice, but I'd rather get going looking for Han again. Luke and Leia would apppreciate that more than a catch-up over a meal, or something."

"I'll send them your regards," I tell him, and he smiles, and we hug each other. Chewie groans as he comes lumbering down the ramp from maintenance, and I smile up at him. "And I'll send them yours too, Chewie," I add, and he pulls me into a hug with his huge, lanky arms, causing me to laugh. "Be careful, yeah?"

"We'll keep in close contact," Lando assures me, nodding, and I nod back. "It's been good to see you again, Nat. Especially nice to see you all healed up."

"Good to see you both too," I say, smiling. "May the Force be with you."

They head up the ramp into the Falcon, and moments later it lifts and the Falcon's engines whir to life, and I move out of the way, not wanting to be blasted into oblivion. I wave after them as the ship lifts from the hangar floor and accelerates out into space, disappearing into the stars.

I sigh and turn away, and I see Dex, Tom  and Luke heading back into the hangar, Dex and Tom holding something behind their backs.

"What are you doing?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at them, and their eyes dart to me.

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now