Blackburn in Effect

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My leg bounces hastily against the floor of the Imperial Shuttle I'm sat in, the familiar feeling of nervousness returning to the pit of my stomach as I contemplate what we're about to do. I fumble with my hands as the TIE fighter pilot uniform and stubby helmet complete with the oxygen hoses rests in my lap, waiting to be worn.

It's a shame my peace didn't last that long on Tatooine with Luke, but then again, nothing tranquil ever does with the constant threat of the Empire looming over us.

"Blackburn Five, Blackburn Five, ready to move out, over?"

The Rebel transmission over my earpiece pulls me out of my train of thought, and I take a breath, unfolding the black jumpsuit from my lap.

I let out a heavy sigh and stand, beginning to pull on the Imperial TIE fighter pilot uniform, with Quinn doing the same beside me and Dex and Tom yanking on Stormtrooper uniforms. I smirk at them as they pull on the breast plates, remembering when Luke told me about the overriding stench of sweat, describing it as similar to that of wet womp rat. 

We're quiet mostly, our minds focused on what's to come, and we busy ourselves with sorting out our disguises. Quinn pulls on one of her gloves and stops, staring at me. I frown for a moment, but then I realise what she's looking at.

Quinn smiles at the blue kyber crystal that was once in Zach's lightsaber around my neck. "Jyn used to wear one like that, though hers was clear," she says, lifting a black-gloved hand and gesturing to it. "'They say the strongest stars have hearts of kyber.'" She pauses, her smile turning sad, and she looks back up at me for a moment. "Never did understand that old, wise man and his stick."

"It's Zach's old one," I tell her, and she nods, grabbing her black helmet.

"Ah, I thought it might've been Luke's," she smiles, and I smile back at her.

It's been a good year with him on Tatooine. He's come so far since the defeat at Bespin to his father, and I'm so proud of him and all he's achieved. And, somehow, so have I, too.

I didn't want to stay with the doctors here at the fleet, telling me how I was losing who I was because of my bereavement and pain. I knew - know - exactly who I was, who I am. I just forgot for a little while. 

Luke brought me back to reality down there on that dusty hunk of rock, and slowly, little by little, I became better. I lost that sick, sad feeling in the pit of my stomach, the constant drowsiness that followed me everywhere. The bags underneath my eyes disappeared, I gained my weight back, rebuilt my strength, both my physical stature and my use of the Force. And still, every day and in every way, I'm getting better and better.

However, despite this progress, there's still little news on Han from Lando and Chewie, and I'm worried about Leia losing all hope about finding him. I'm glad she's got Luke to comfort her while I'm heading back into the clutches of the Empire. They need each other.

But for now I have to focus on the operation. Luke and I got called back to the Rebel fleet due to the commencement of Operation Wolffe, and I run through the last minute plans in my head as I take a seat behind Erfad in the cockpit of our stolen Imperial Shuttle. He wasn't too happy about me going, but with Zach dead and Evan under the Emperor's influence, I was the only Rebel spy left. 

Erfad, Voski and Edvard have managed to get Mitchell back into Palpatine and Vader's tight inner circle of military commanders, and Jackson and Phillips are down on Coruscant with Olev ordering the reserve army into action and 'overthrow' the staged coup. Somehow, either through promise of a higher position or in exchange for an absurd amount of credits, they managed to convince the old careerist pig onto our side. 

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now