Infiltration of the Death Star

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I watch as Han and Chewie run out of the ship, followed closely by the droids and Obi-Wan. I lean in the doorway beside the ramp, my blaster drawn, ready to cover for them if I need to.

"They'll be alright, won't they?" Luke asks from beside me. 

"They'll be fine," I reply, turning to him. "I think Han can handle himself well enough. He knows what he's doing."

Luke looks down, as if he's jealous. I don't say anything to him. Instead I just stare at him, and a feeling of guilt rises in my chest as I realise what I've just dragged him into. 

I let out a loud and heavy sigh. "Luke, I'm so sorry for dragging you into this mess, but I'm going to get you out of here alive, okay?" I say sternly, causing him to turn back to me. "That's a promise. Just stay as close to me as you can."

He gives me a small smile, about to say something in return, but he's interrupted by the gantry Officer in the command office.

"TK.421, why aren't you at your post?" his voice demands from inside Luke's helmet, and he looks at me worriedly, not knowing what to do. "TK.421, do you copy?"

I gesture for him to put it on. "Tap it here," I whisper. "It'll tell him your comlink 'isn't working'."

He nods at me and runs down the ramp, and he taps his helmet. I come out and stand next to him, grabbing my comlink from my belt, hiding my blaster behind my back so that he can't see it.

"His comlink is not working," I state, clarifying Luke's excuse. The gantry Officer salutes me and shakes his head, and I salute him back.

"Take over," Luke and I hear him say to his colleagues. "We've got a bad transmitter. I'll see what I can do."

I mute my comlink and gesture for Luke to follow me. "Come on. It's just up here," I tell him, leading him up the grey hallways. I scowl to myself, hating the fact that I'm back so soon.

We suddenly hear growling, shouting and firing loud and clear from the command office, and our slow jog turns to a run.

"What is he doing?" I cry, annoyed, and Luke shrugs at me as we run up the long, grey hallway.

We watch as Obi-Wan and the droids enter the room, and we follow them in. Luke closes the door and removes his helmet quickly.

"You know, between his howling and your blasting everything in sight, it's a wonder the whole station doesn't know we're here!" Luke yells irritably, and I have to say I agree with him.

"Bring 'em on!" Han retorts as I lock the door, preventing any unwanted intrusions. "I prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around."

"Well 'all this sneaking around' works!" I snap, shoving my blaster back into its holster and backing up Luke. "I've managed to fool the Empire by sneaking around right under their noses for four years, and you can't even handle four minutes."

Han goes to say something in retaliation, but he gets cut off by Threepio. "We can't find the computer outlet, sir," he complains.

The three of us look over to the two droids, who are stood beside a computer monitor and control panel.

"We are attempting to make a map of the Death Star appear on the monitor," Threepio explains as both he and Artoo look over the control panel, and Artoo bleeps sadly.

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now