The Bombs

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I grab Luke's hand and pull him in the direction of the Millennium Falcon, and suddenly, the wall behind us explodes.

I'm thrown forward, the force of the blast pulling Luke's hand from mine, and I land with a hard thud on the ground, pulverised concrete raining down on me. I lie on the floor, stunned for a second, a harsh ringing filling my ears. I push myself up slowly, dazed, and I look around for Luke, the ground rumbling beneath my body.

The hangar has been completely destroyed, the ceiling and walls having caved in, letting in the dim, orange light of the early morning.

I find him lying lifeless on the ground, with one of his legs crushed under a hunk of concrete.

"Luke!" I scream, but I don't hear myself screaming it. I run over to him, placing Obi-Wan's lightsaber on my belt, my medal thumping on my chest. I focus all of my energy on the concrete and use the Force to lift it off of his leg, and find it twisted unnaturally to the right. My eyes widen in shock as pilots and troops bustle past me, preparing the ships and arming themselves to fight.

I compose myself and place my hand on his chest, and feel his heart beating. I look around the hangar to the pile of supplies near the entrance, and I run over to it, grabbing a first aid kit. The ringing in my ears has subsided, and I hear loud sirens blaring and people shouting.

I run back over to him, shakily opening the first aid kit. I inject him with anaesthetic, and the shock of the needle wakes him up. He lies dazed for a moment before he realises what's happened, and the pain hits him and he cries out, gritting his teeth. He grabs my arm and grips it tightly.

"It's alright, Luke," I say quickly, trying to make him a makeshift splint for his leg out of foam, bandages and straps found in the first aid kit. I gently, yet hastily, strap the foam around his leg and wrap a bandage around, securing it in place.

"General Hawkins!" someone yells from behind me. I turn and see two medics running towards us.

"Quick," I say as they kneel down beside Luke. "He needs to get to one of the bunkers."

"They're evacuating," he tells me breathlessly, sweat dripping down his face. "Are you coming with us?"

I hesitate, thinking of Zach. He wouldn't just run away from a fight like this, but then I turn to Luke and find him staring up at me. I look away from him guiltily and shake my head.

"I have to stay," I say sadly.

"But-" Luke begins, but I cut him off.

"It's my duty."

I stand up, having finished wrapping his leg in the makeshift splint.

"Take care of him," I tell the medics, and they both nod at me.

I turn and run back into the room with the low slung couches. I bump into Zach, the person I was going to find.

"Where's your ship?" I demand.

"The other side of the base in a maintenance hangar," he replies, and I strain to hear his voice over the sound of blaring sirens. "My port engine got hit, remember? They're working on it."

I sigh. "It'll have to do. Come on."

"Ground troops have landed," a voice says over the intercom, and we look at each other wearily. "I repeat, ground troops have landed."

Then I look down at myself, in this dress and these heels.

"I can't fight in these!" I exclaim, panicking as I hear the howl of the TIE bombers and feel the ground shaking beneath my feet.

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now