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"What?!" Philips and I snap at the same time, our attention now diverting to something else.

"That girl's very hard to find. Are you sure?" Kes asks, stepping towards Zach, and he shakes his head in response.

"I don't know, but it looks pretty certain," he replies, and the both of them turn to me.

"Let's check it out," I say, glancing over at Philips, Erfad and Voski. "I'll be back shortly."

Zach, Kes and I head out of the briefing room and jog down the corridors to the command centre, which is where the searches have been administrated from. I slam my hand down on the button when we reach the door and it slides open, and the three of us march in to find General Madine and Mon Mothma surveying a screen of information.

"Zach says you've got a hit?" I say breathlessly, hands on my hips as I breathe heavily, my eyes glancing over the screen of information and probe readouts.

"It seems that way," Mon Mothma answers, squinting at the screen. "Though we can't know for certain."

"Let me see," Kes says, stepping forward and frowning in concentration as he studies the information on the screen, which consists of geometric maps of the planet's surface and probe-like images of what seems to be an industrial area. "Can't you make these images any clearer?"

"We can't afford to get too close, I'm afraid," Madine admits, pursing his lips. "She and her troops might see it as hostile interference and shoot us down."

"Sure looks like a war zone," I whisper, my eyes glued to the remaining brick shells of buildings and stumps of trees, no leaves in sight.

Zach leans closer to me as Kes continues to study the information, flicking through the images and readouts from the probe. "I know, but I heard they've got a hold up in one of the old battle droid factories out in the sticks. There's a small town nearby too," he murmurs.

"Yeah, that's what this looks like," Kes agrees, stopping on one particular image.

I take a closer look at the image, and see, hidden beneath dense trees, what seem to be Rebel fighters and ships, with anti-aircraft guns and stacks of bombs nearby.

"That's it!" Kes shouts triumphantly, making me jump as he prods the screen ferociously with his forefinger. "That's it!"

"When can we get down there?" Zach demands, looking over at Mon Mothma and General Madine.

"As soon as possible," Madine replies defiantly, giving Zach a nod, and he nods back in acknowledgement.

The door slides open behind us, and the group of us turn round to find Shara standing in the doorway, her chest heaving.

"What's wrong?" Kes asks her immediately, clearly concerned about his wife, stepping away from the screen.

"It's kicking off in there," she breathes. 

"For crying out loud," I snap, annoyed that we can't even leave them alone for five minutes without there being some kind of ruction.

"Who knew we could find Officers worse than Motti and Tagge?" Zach adds, and I smile as we run back to the briefing room, which is now in disarray and full of angry men yelling at each other.

They don't quiet down when Zach, Kes, Shara and I enter the room again, and Luke and Threepio are glancing at each other rather worriedly, clearly having not been in this situation before and intimidated by their anger and agitation. Zach and I know exactly how to deal with this, though. Bickering between Imperial Officers is commonplace.

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now